Around the House,  Marriage Confessions,  Random

Godzilla and My Popular Blog

For the past several weeks, I have seen a soaring in the number of hits that my blog has gotten. I went from averaging about 40-50 hits a day to over 150 a day – consistently. It was outrageous.  As the self-proclaimer that I am, I spread the word to everyone I knew that I had the most popular blog on earth. I was picturing book deals here, people.

Then, Chris pointed out that the majority of my hits during this two week period were coming from Google searches. And not just any Google searches. My hits were coming from people searching for Godzilla on Google. I’m talking 50 or 60 different searches a DAY from Google for things like, “Godzilla and marriage,” or “Godzilla and laundry,” or just plain old “Godzilla.” It was the weirdest thing ever.

So I looked back through my blog posts to see what could possibly be triggering a Godzilla match, and sure enough: April 16, 2008: Chivalry is Dead. Big ‘ol picture of Godzilla. Out of all the (I’d like to think) profound blog posts I have published, its the one liner joke about chivalry and a big fat picture of Godzilla that gets the most attention. What does that say about me??? What does it say about my life??? What does it say about my BLOG???

Sadly, the Godzilla peak has passed for some reason and I am back down to my average 40-50 hits a day. Chris was like, “Why don’t you just post more mainstream things that attract a lot of Google searches?” But I said no. I’m not going to compromise my blog, which is essentially my innermost thoughts about important things like laundry, dog diets, and 5 pounds of cheese in my fridge. I have my standards. I’m not just a commodity.

(But just in case man cannot truly live on blog alone…)


  • shellie

    lol this post is funny. i know what you mean…a lot of my visitors are also from searching this tv drama.

    don’t worry, there will come a book deal. 😀

  • Dave Tillman

    GODZILLA !!! Are you serious, tell Chris that this is totally about your very creative blog and nothing else. I always said,(along with John Mcmahon)you are the next “Erma Bombeck”, and we have sorely missed her commentary on the bumps and bruises of life. Not that I am biased or anything.


  • Helga

    Hehe, I was also googling for Godzilla and the “Chivalry is dead” line was a perfect match too, because I was googling for photos of Godzilla after my husband called me his “little Godzilla” as a sort of “cuddly”-name.. :/

  • Mike McCarthy

    Ha ha – I actually ended up on this blog due to an image search I did for pictures of Godzilla. See I’m making fun of another blogger who wrote a moderately nasty e-mail to me by calling her Godzilla I guess. It’s pretty high brow stuff.

    Funny entry though, I look forward to keeping up on your blog.

    Take care,


  • G

    Actually, I just came here for the Godzilla. I was looking for a head and shoulders shot to use in place of a secretary in our student information database – I work at an elementary school. Thanks!

  • Gin

    Helllloooooo! Came across this site, very funny. Hate to tell you this, but I was Google’ing Godzilla! lol What does that say about me? Anyway, enjoyed the laffs, Gin
    (now back to Godzilla ;-D)

  • joy

    awesome picture. i was googling pics of godzilla. yours was the best. its a joke between my mom, myself and best friend.

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