Around the House,  Changes,  Family,  Marriage Confessions

Grateful for the Boring

It’s been tough to find things to blog about lately. The kids are always easy to blog about because I think they get more awesome-er every day. But my own life and marriage are a little boring at the current moment. Getting up, going to work, coming home, dinnertime, bath time, bedtime does not an interesting blog make.

I like to have things going on. I like to be busy and have a full calendar. I work better that way. Going, going, going. It keeps life interesting, doesn’t it? It certainly keeps my blog life interesting, I guess. For the past few years, my life has been truly bloggerific. We bought our first house, had our first baby, moved across the country, faced unemployment, dealt with depression, had a surprise pregnancy, changed careers, moved (twice since our arrival in Florida!), and then bought our new house. I mean, things were JUMPIN’.

But in the last month or so, things have really slowed down. And, though it doesn’t make for great blog fodder, I have to say that it has been a really nice change in pace.

The other day, my mom and I were talking about things finally settling down for me and Chris and our conversation took a natural turn towards gratitude. We talked about how only after you’ve gone through really rough times do you really become thankful for the calm. It’s the same thing with money, too. We certainly aren’t rolling in it, but after going through that year of having hardly anything, I have learned to appreciate simple things, like having money to pay for groceries.

“Do you know how excited I am that every week I get to spend $100 on groceries?!?!” I shrieked to my mom, laughing. “I pull my debit card out every week and beam standing in line at the grocery store because I can buy my family groceries, dammit! And that’s a fabulous feeling.”

So, life right now is insanely boring. But because I have experienced the opposite of boring for the last two years, I am so grateful for the boring.


  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    Same here! We’ve been struggling since our move last year, but since Aaron and I are working five jobs between the two of us now (!!!) things are a busy and a bit better financially. Busy and boring ain’t too shabby if you ask me!

  • Bronwen

    Wonderful! I am enjoying a bit more boring too these days – in the past year I have dealt with major pyschotic depression/anxiety, quit a job, gotten married, moved countries, gotten a new job, and finally been able to live with my husband after five years of long distance. I am so grateful for the rhythm of my days, for the return and healing of my mind and body, and for the chance to hear my husband breathing next to me every night.

  • Amy L Butler

    Awesome post! I feel the same way! We still have struggles ahead, but we sure are doing better than we have been. Thanks for sharing your life. I know I’m not alone in my struggles, trials and triumphs.

  • Sarah@Crazy Love Gamble-Style

    I couldn’t agree more.
    It reminds me of when I met my now husband, I had been coming out of a not boring AT ALL relationship and my first impression of my husband was that he was boring. Then it hit me. I wanted to settle down and have kids, I didn’t need the drama that the “exciting” guy brought. He was perfect in all the good ways and that in itself was EXCITING! : )

  • Laura @ Casa del Hansen

    YAY for the boring things!! If we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t appreciate the thrill of busy-ness, and I imagine that we would miss a lot of things if we let ourselves continue to buzz around all the time.

    I’m glad you’re settling down, and even more glad you’re enjoying it. And guess what? Even though you might not think it makes for the greatest blogging material, IMHO, there’s nothing at all boring about bathtime or baby giggles or spending a quiet evening at home with your husband. What’s boring is the person who doesn’t appreciate them. ;o)

  • britt@knewlywifed

    Totally agree! It seems like we go through tough times to appreciate our character growth. I’m days away from being unemployed and I know we’ve got a heck of a year ahead of us, but God does provide! Boring is a good thing 🙂

  • Jenna@CallHerHappy

    It’s empowering to know that you can survive and even thrive in any environment you are given. And, your kids are better off for it too. They see their mom being strong, they see the value of a dollar, and they know what matters…people over material!

  • Kendall

    This is an AWESOME post. I have been struggling with the same thing recently (we had a whirlwind 2 years of getting pregnant, baby arrival, wedding planning, moving, and just got married 3 weeks ago). Now that things have slowed down I feel like we should be doing something…and it DOES make blog writing hard. But this post says it all, and I’m going to remember it next time I feel “bored”. How blessed we are! xo

  • Hilary

    Amen, sister! In the past week, my brother and his wife just had their third baby and a day later, my husband’s brother and HIS wife had their second. Although I am thrilled for both couples, I am not at all envious of having to go through the crazy adjustment that a new baby brings. Yes, these tiny miracles are truly blessings from God, but as my husband and I sat on the couch, enjoying our guilty pleasure which is “Kendra” on E!, I thought of my two sister-in-laws exhausted, sore, and getting ready to deal with not sleeping or having a moment of peace for at least another 12 to 18 months. I am incredibly grateful for my two sleeping angels and having time to myself!

  • jennybird

    It’s funny isn’t it? It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, but when you’re provided with the opportunity to slow down, you realize that the grind is worth it for moments of peace. Enjoy this time off!

  • Angie

    Katie, I LOVE that attitude. I try to remember these things in my own life…but sometimes someone else noticing it makes me take stock too, we are all very fortunate.

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