Fun Things,  Gracie,  Parenting

Grow, Baby, Grow

Gracie is eight months old now. I can’t believe it. I caught myself telling someone last week that she was six months old and realized how much time had actually gone by. In the blink of an eye. I swear, it seems like with two babies, time goes two times as fast.


In the short, fast eight months that Gracie has been in our lives, she has managed to charm every single one of us. Even Bean. We’re all putty in Gracie’s tiny, pudgy hands. For the most part, she goes along happily, flashing that killer smile and those deep set dimples and we all give in to her every request. This doesn’t bode well for the future. I foresee many, “Daddy, please?” moments on the horizon…


The problem with Gracie’s incredibly kissable fat cheeks and totally tickleable chunky thighs is that it doesn’t leave her much motivation to do anything for herself. Why reach for a toy when one little smile will bring Bean running from across the room with an armful of toys to share? Why crawl to something interesting when one dimple will bring Daddy from any corner of the house to carry her anywhere she wants to go? Why hold her own bottle when one goofy giggle will make Mommy laugh and hold the bottle for you?

Frankly, I think we’re being hoodwinked.


So far, the only real accomplishment Gracie’s done in life is sit up on her own. And I think the only reason she does that is because laying down messes up her hair. (You so vain, Gracie!)


We’re trying to get her to crawl, but any time we put the toys just out of her reach, she ends up pulling on the blanket until she has pulled all the toys over to her. And we’ve tried putting her on her stomach and showing her how to move her legs, but she just lays there, crying. Like a beached feather-headed puffalump. I’ve also been trying to get her to hold her own bottle, but have had little luck. She can totally do it. When she’s not eating and is just playing with her bottle, I’ve seen her pick it up one handed and wave it all around. But why feed yourself when one two-toofed grin will bring your team of assistants to your side?


Yep. That sweet, stumpy little Gracie Girl is a big pile of mush. And those fat cheeks, deep dimples, and pretty blue eyes turn everyone around her into mush, too.

I think we’re hopeless.

I know her Daddy is…



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