• When Your Marriage Is Not About You

    I think the holidays are hard on marriages, generally speaking. Whether it’s arguments over Santa’s budget, traveling to see family, or just trying to make time for the two of you, this time…

  • Speak, Bean!

    Bean loves my iPhone. He can open it to his own apps and everything. Last week, I managed to get a conversation with him about apps, Christmas, and his upcoming Christmas concert at…

  • Haul Out the Holly!

    We spent the last two weekends getting our house holiday-ready. I love when the house is decorated for Christmas. Coming home after a long day of work to Christmas lights and stockings and…

  • Grow, Baby, Grow

    Gracie is eight months old now. I can’t believe it. I caught myself telling someone last week that she was six months old and realized how much time had actually gone by. In…

  • Still Having Fun

    Having children has changed my marriage in a lot of ways. More than anything else, it deepened the way I love Chris. Seeing him in the kids, seeing him interact and parent them,…

  • Toddler Activities

    Anyone whose been around these parts long enough knows of my love and slight obsession with Pinterest. I can’t look away. I can’t stop. It’s become a problem. But it’s also been a…

  • A Random Middle School Memory

    (This post is dedicated to my sister, who will laugh so loud at it that they will probably be able to hear her in the Space Station.) Tonight I was scrub-a-dubbing in the…