Gracie,  Milestones,  Parenting


My daughter, Princess Grace, has chosen to sit on her diapered, cute bottom for the past ten months and not move a muscle. Puffalump had no interest in moving whatsoever. She was content to just hang out and flap her arms around when she was happy. For a while, I was convinced she would fly before she’d ever crawl.

Well, Friday afternoon I picked the kids up and we were hanging out in the living room waiting on Chris to come home. I was across the room doing something with Bean when I saw Gracie trying to get up on all fours. She has tried before to do that, but she couldn’t ever figure out how to get her foot out of the way. But this time, she actually moved her foot and got herself on all fours. Then she started rocking.

Now, at this point, I very quietly grabbed my phone because I wanted to be able to take a picture if she actually crawled and I didn’t want to interrupt her. I didn’t want to squeal or anything because the minute Gracie knows someone is watching her, she wants to be picked up.

Hence, our issue with the not crawling thing.

So, she started rocking back and forth and then, suddenly, SHE CRAWLED!!!


Do you see that tiny little choking hazard toy of Bean’s laying right there? That’s what it took for her to crawl. But who cares?!?! I’d let her chew on marbles if I thought she’d crawl!

Gracie crawled around all weekend. And she started pulling up on furniture and cruising, too! It’s like once she figured out how to move, she didn’t want to stop.

I’m so proud of her! All weekend long, I just squealed and shrieked whenever she started moving all on her own! I think I was freaking her out, actually. Saturday morning, she was playing with some toys on her bedroom floor and I stepped out to go put some laundry away. When I walked back by, she had crawled out into the hall and was sitting in the middle of the hallway, just hanging out.


This afternoon I grabbed my phone and got a little video of the crawling in action. (Ignore the Tasmanian Devil rolling around in the pack ‘n play… We keep him around for entertainment purposes only…)


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