• My Dad

    On Saturday night, Chris and I were tucking our little ones into a king sized bed at the resort where we were having our back-to-school stay cation, and the phone rang. It was…

  • Married to a Workaholic

    One of the things that I love most about Chris is his work ethic.  You won’t find too many people who are as committed and loyal as Chris is.  When he takes on…

  • Safe Start/ISR Classes, Week Four

    The kids are in week four of their Safe Start infant survival swimming lessons. Before we started classes, I scoured the internet for videos and articles on the program, just to see what…

  • Bedtime Routine

    (The pictures in this post have nothing to do with bedtime.  I just like to throw random pictures out there to keep things interesting.) Without a doubt, one of the most frequent questions…

  • Feeding New Moms

    I don’t know about y’all, but babies are every where in my world right now!  It seems like everyone is either pregnant, getting ready to pop, or just had a baby.  Which is…

  • Summertime Confessions

    1.  This morning I checked my email and saw that one of the mom email lists that I am on from church sent out an email announcing that Jake and the Neverland Pirates…

  • Weddings Ain.t For Weenies

    This post is the second installment of a series of posts that tell the story of my seven year marriage.  Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed living it… ***********…

  • The Last (Post About) Supper

    I have really loved hearing all this feedback about feeding toddlers and preschoolers.  I have gotten so many new ideas for things to incorporate into my own family meals, and I hope you…