Bean,  Conversations with Bean and Gracie,  Parenting

Bean Discovers the Beach

2013-06-10 06.48.26

When you come to Pensacola Beach, you have to cross two long bridges to get out to it. We were expecting the kids to get excited about the beach, but we were NOT expecting Bean to get so excited the minute he crossed the first of the two bridges.  From the minute he saw the bay, he started talking 90 miles an hour and did not stop for the next half hour until we got to our condo.  In that half hour stretch, he said some of the funniest things he has ever said, and I had to write about them here so that I would remember them forever.

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“OH!” he shouted, raising himself up out of his car seat as much as he could so he could see more.  “LOOK!  There’s a boat!  And another boat!  And another boat!  AND A PIRATE SHIP!”

(the last one was a sail boat)

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“What’s that, Dad?”

“That’s a JetSki, buddy,” Chris said.  “It’s like a little boat.”

“Is it for little people????”


2013-06-10 06.48.26

“Drive faster, Dad.  I don’t want to miss anything at the beach!”


My thoughts exactly, Big Guy…


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