
The Longest Silence

Hi there.  It’s Katie.  Remember me?

Oh, friends.  I don’t know what to tell you about this little blog.  About once a year, I go through this blogging slump when I just don’t feel like blogging.  But it’s never been this long of a slump before.  In fact, I was drafting versions of my final post in my head just last week.

But then I came home Thursday night and Chris says to me, “I renewed your blog domain for another three years.  YOU’RE WELCOME.”

I wanted to yell something like, “DON’T PRESUME TO KNOW WHAT I NEED!” or “YOU DON’T KNOW ME!”  But instead, I hugged his neck and kissed his sweet face and felt like a load had been lifted from my shoulders.

Making the decision to stay or go sees so final.  Like, if I said, “I shall ne’er blog again.”  (pronounced: a GAIN, like Lady Mary)  And it was that finality that I just couldn’t get my head around.  But with Chris’s announcement, it was like someone had made the decision for me.  I didn’t have to choose.

I love that I married someone who knows what I need, even when I don’t seem to.


Because the thing is, I love blogging.  I love to tell silly little stories about my life that mean absolutely nothing.  I just love to write.  It’s cathartic and healing for me, expressive and creative.  It’s how my mind thinks.  And I would truly be heartbroken if I never blogged again.

But time is my most precious commodity these days.  My precious babies are becoming little people, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it.  I also require more of my OWN time these days.  Taking care of yourself takes effort and time, and I’m gifting that to myself – guilt free.

I’m enjoying spending lazy Sunday afternoons in the yard with Chris and the kids or traveling to see family and friends, instead of loading up my blog with posts I can use throughout the following week.

I’m reading because sometimes it’s better to read others writing, than to work on your own.  It’s how you become a better writer and a more well-rounded person.


I’m watching every Rangers hockey game next to Chris and pretending to like it as much as he does, simply because I like holding his hand on the couch.

I’m taking less pictures and being present in the moment more with my family.  It’s been less about documenting and more about participating.

So, my posts may be a little more sporadic, but fear not!  I am here for at least another three years, thanks to my hubby.  And throughout those years, I will continue to be so thankful for my readers who have stuck with me through thick and thin, when I have so much to say and when I really have nothing to say at all.  Thank you for your patience and encouragement as I continue to learn how to balance all these important areas of my life without dropping the things that are truly important to me, the things that will matter long after this corner of the internet has dried up and overgrown.


But until that day comes, I will continue to laugh, to fight, and to stay married right here in my imaginary home.


  • Aileen

    I’m so glad to hear you’re gonna keep blogging. Give my thanks to Chris! I’ve been following your blog for a few years now and love your writing and stories. Just wanted to send a bit of encouragement your way. Thanks for sharing and lots of blessings to you and your family!

  • Amy VH

    Yeah! I get to keep my invisible friend longer! I always talk about you to my hubby and I would be so sad to lose you. Although I am glad you keep entertaining me on Instagram. Lots of love to your family!

  • Brooke

    So glad to hear you’re going to continue to blog. I’ve been reading since my freshman year of college and am now 25. I most def would have missed you:-)

  • Phoebe

    I’ve been reading your blog since I was in college and nannying and you were pregnant with Bean. Now that I’m married, have a toddler and we have our own house I keep going back to your old posts to see if you have any advice for each stage we hit. I love that you’ve been so open, and I’m beyond glad I found your blog so many years ago. Thank you Katie!

  • Stephanie

    Well thank goodness! I have been reading you for YEARS. I love everything about this blog and you..and bean…and Gracie…and even Big Molly. Yes and now I really like Chris,for renewing your domain! Wuhuu

  • Nikki

    Hooray! I would have definitely missed reading your stories. I love reading them to my Husband and son. So glad that writings from MC Katie (as you’re known in our house) are anticipated, but we are more than happy waiting some time in between posts! I really took to heart the part about living in that moment instead of documenting it. I’m really trying to work on that. Our little ones grow so fast, and I don’t want to miss a thing!

  • Laura

    I totally get this. I stepped away from blogging for quite a while after I got a divorce. I’m trying to pick back up now, but also maintain the balance of doing other things I love. It’s hard, especially when the kiddos are little. 🙂 I’ve been reading your blog for, well, over 5 years now because I was pregnant at the same time as you were and it was before our sons were born. 🙂 I hope you always keep writing, this is one of my very favorite blogs. <3

  • Kathie

    I’m with everyone else. Was here before Bean, and will continue to remain. Come and go as you need. We’ll still be reading. 🙂
    An imaginary friend in Texas.

  • Leah

    I’ve been here for a long time and would be sad to see you go. I just made the decision to say no to some very flattering and even God honoring opportunities because I need to be with my babies. I just can’t divide myself away from my family anymore than I already am. Kindergarten is a year away for us and I can’t even handle the word right now.

  • Claire H

    As a long time reader, this has made me so happy 🙂 Thank you for letting us peek in to your life, I love your writing and look forward to the next three years (and more!) x

  • ScooterShell

    Katie, I’ve been reading your blog for several years now and I always enjoy it when I do. I have blogged a little myself, but totally understand your sentiment, “It’s been less about documenting and more about participating.” That’s exactly where I’ve been too! Thanks for putting it into words for me 🙂

  • Chel

    I am going to ditto what so many before me have said above. I’ve been reading since Bean was born and I am a quiet imaginary friend over here. Take all the pauses you need, but we are oh so happy to read your words when they come!

  • Teresa W

    Glad you are sticking around. I have been following you for years and I would miss your posts. I am a retired teacher myself, so I enjoy your school posts as well. Greetings from Missouri.

  • Maren

    This imaginary friend from Texas is glad you’re sticking around. I would truly miss you.
    I second what Jenna said…thank you to both of you. :0)

  • Lauren G

    I’m so glad! I love your blog. I will continue reading however much or little you decide to write. You make the decision for what works best for you. Thank you for letting us into your family – I love keeping up with your kiddos!!

  • Carrie F.

    I love reading your blog! You inspire me!! Even though I am much older than you I can think back to the days when I had little ones. And that always makes me smile. I am so happy that you are continuing for another three years!

  • Alexis K

    We love ya girl – whenever you blog is okay with us. Just don’t go all young house love on us and quit. We NEED your humor and mom suggestions to keep us sane and well, of course, make us giggle 🙂 Way to go Katie. You got this boo!
    -Alexis 🙂
    (Your friend of your sister’s, imaginary bestie).

  • Janet

    You certainly had me worried last week, I thought maybe something awful had happened. Good to know it’s just “life”. Write when you can; we love to hear from you.

  • Sarah

    I wholeheartedly support you putting you and your family first. I’ll take a blog post from you whenever I can get it. Honestly, I almost started crying thinking about never hearing from you again. That would be heartbreaking. My BFF and I talk about you and your family like you’re really a part of our lives not just an imaginary internet friend. We might be a little too attached. Please don’t leave us. Thank God for Chris!

  • Suzanne

    I’m so glad you’ve decided to stay. Thank you Chris!! Haha 😉
    On a serious note, you’re a wonderful writer and I enjoy reading your tidbits. I’m still hoping for a book one day 🙂 so I’ll take the sporadic posts! Enjoy your family and enjoy your writing.

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