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Field Day

Last week, Bean had field day at his school.


I remember field day vividly from my own childhood. At my elementary school, each classroom was assigned a country. For some reason, I remember being India one year very clearly. In the weeks leading up to field day, your class learned all about your country. I can still spot the Indian flag from a mile away, thanks to Mrs. Sylvester. We also had Indian food for lunch one day, and then learned all about the country throughout the rest of the weeks.



Then, on field day, we had the Olympics. And every classroom represented their country at the Olympic Games. It was pretty awesome. I can remember lining up at the starting line of several races and then our whole class cheering for whoever was competing from our country. Afterwards, there was always a medal ceremony. It was obviously memorable, as I can still very clearly picture it in my head today.


When I got to Bean’s field day, it was slightly different.


Okay, it was CRAZY different. Classes didn’t play against each other. There were no individual sporting events. In fact, there were no sporting events at all. Most of the events were just games they got to play.


Well, except for tug-of-war.  I don’t think it is officially a field day until there is tug-of-war, right?




I turned to Chris and whispered, “This isn’t how you do field day! They are doing it wrong!”


But then I saw this sweet face, smiling like he was having the time of his life. Because he WAS having the time of his life.


And I kicked myself for being so judgmental. These aren’t MY memories I’m remaking all over again. These are BEAN’S memories. These are the things HE’LL look back on when he has children of his own. And, like me, I’m sure he’ll say, “Wow, that was pretty awesome!”


Chris and I had a blast hanging out with him, too. I love getting to see both my kids in their own little worlds. It reminds me how big the world is around them and how, all too soon, they will be out in that world. And then I want to cry a little inside. And then I want to hide them in a tower for the rest of their lives. But once I get over that little dramatic episode, I get really excited.


Because, it turns out that the only thing in the whole world better than having little kids, is having big ones.



  • Amber K

    When I saw the picture of Bean that goes with this post on the home page, my first immediate thought was, “Wow! That looks like Ginny!”

  • Sharlee

    Oh how I hope that’s true! So far each stage is better and better with my 14 month old, but I truly don’t know how it can get any better than right now.

  • MomQueenBee

    YES! And the only thing better than big kids is even bigger ones, and the only thing better than even bigger kids is grown-up kids. Trust me on this: Every stage is better. And this is from the woman who thought it would never get any better than those wonderfully soft babies.

  • Nicole

    I kinda agree with your first reaction even though I understand your second. But your first reaction reminds me of you previous article about kids needing to be more independent and not so dependable on parents. I say this because back when we did field day you did compete against other classes and you won awards…nowadays they don’t want to recognize winners because that means someone has to be the loser. We cannot keep coddling our children, you win some you lose some. Not everyone will get a certificate/trophy/ect…everytime. Scores should be kept, winners should be allowed to celebrate, and those that don’t win will learn what they need to work on. The real world isn’t going to shield them from losing and just make everyone winners so why are we teaching them that as they grow up? We have become too much of a politically correct society. By the way, I absolutely loved your standards article, I put your techniques to work last night and they worked so well!

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