Just for Fun

Questions With My Family

These have been going around Facebook, but I thought I’d share mine here, too.  Only, I asked the kids AND Chris.  I also added a few questions that I want to remember about them when they are grown up and I am rambling around in my nursing home. Here we go:

What is something I say a lot?  “No.” (Gracie)/”Do your best.” (Bean)/”Don’t be difficult.” (Chris)

What makes me happy?  Reading (Gracie)/Being loved. (Bean)/Getting your feet rubbed. (Chris)

What makes me sad?  When I wipe your kisses away (Gracie)/When something messes up your plans. (Bean)/Your dad (Chris)

How tall am I?  5 inches (Gracie)/45 inches (Bean)/Short (Chris)

What my favorite thing to do?  Read (Gracie)/Be a teacher. (Bean)/Go to the beach. (Chris)


What is my favorite food?  Tacos (Gracie)/Pizza (Bean)/Soup (Chris)

What is my favorite drink?  Diet Dr. Pepper (Gracie)/Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper (Bean)/Diet Coke (Chris)

Where is my favorite place to go?  “To your room to read.” (Gracie)/To school (Bean)/The beach (Chris)

How do I annoy you?  Sing and dance (Gracie)/Telling us what to do (Bean)/Asking me these questions. (Chris)

What is my favorite TV show?  “Whatever Daddy watches.” (Gracie)/Food Network (Bean)/VEEP (Chris)

What is my favorite music to listen to?  Shake It Off (Gracie)/Shake It Off (Bean)/Country, Kenny Chesney (Chris)


What is my job?  Teacher (Gracie)/Teacher (Bean)/Mom (Chris)

What is my favorite color? Purple and Pink (Gracie)/Purple (Bean)/Purple (Chris)

How much do you love me? A LOT (Gracie)/”From here to the moon and back” (Bean)/A lot. (Chris)

How much do I love you? A lot, too! (Gracie)/”From the moon and back.” (Bean)/Depends on what day it is.  (Chris)

What’s your favorite subject in school? Morning work (Gracie)/Math (Bean)/Math (Chris)

What’s your favorite time of day? Music (Gracie)/Lunchtime (Bean)/Evening (Chris)

What’s your favorite food? Tacos (Gracie)/Valentine Cakes (Bean)/Hamburgers (Chris)


What’s your favorite thing to do as a family? Go to the beach (Gracie)/Go see movies together (Bean)/Go on trips. (Chris)

What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Going to New York (Gracie)/Ice skating in Rockefeller Center (Bean)/Gotten married to you. (Chris)

What are you proud of yourself about? Getting all S’s on my report card (Gracie)/Being Student of the Month (Bean)/I’m a good dad. (Chris)

What do you think you could do better? Walking the dog better on the leash (Gracie)/Math (Bean)/Be healthier. (Chris)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Teacher (Gracie)/I don’t know. (Bean – he has never said what he wants to be when he grows up!)/Retired (Chris)


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