Around the House

  • Playing (with the) Opossum

    Opossums have always held a special place in my heart.  When I was growing up, my grandma lived with us for most of my childhood.  I can remember anytime we had been out…

  • Fall, You’re Late to the Party

    I love seeing people’s pictures of fall on my Instagram and Facebook feeds.  I obsess over chunky, soft sweaters, warm, leather boots, orange and red foliage, and even Starbucks cups filled with pumpkin…

  • Hurricane Irma

    This past Sunday, Hurricane Irma hit Orlando with a vengeance.  Thankfully, we had enough time to prepare, but we weren’t exactly sure what we were preparing for.  We knew we were going to…

  • Catch Ups and Weekends

    Last week I was back in school for preplanning and it basically kicked my butt.  I started to regret my afternoon naps and staying in my pajamas all day during the summer because…

  • Regretting My Summer

    I love teaching and I would do it whether we had summers off or not, but I do love having that time every year with my kids.  Summers have always been my favorite…

  • Blooming

    A few weeks ago, Chris and I took the kids to the hardware store to get some supplies for our kitchen renovation.  Did I tell you we were renovating our kitchen?  Apparently, we…

  • Summer Schedules

    A few years ago, I learned that the trick to enjoying my summer was to have a very loose, flexible daily schedule.  When I would wake up and just “see where the day…

  • Chasing the Cruds Away

    Thursday morning, I had a horrible headache, which is really uncommon for me.  By Thursday night, my throat was itching, and by Friday afternoon, I had a fever.  Yuck.  I came home Friday…