
  • Defending the Goal

    Last week, I was sitting on the sidelines during one of Bean’s soccer practices.  He was playing goalie with some friends on his team while we waited for practice to start.  After about…

  • Raising Boys and Girls

    Y’all, my sister is having a GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for her family! Especially for Tillman. He is going to make an awesome big brother! See? His shirt even says so! Thinking…

  • Where Did My Sweet Boy Go?

    The past week or so with the kids has about driven Chris and I insane.  Gracie is at a pretty decent stage right now, actually.  She is happy and loud and active and…

  • History Sometimes Repeats Itself

    Friday afternoon, my mom came down to pick up the kids and take them to her house for the weekend.  Chris and I were overworked, overstressed, and in need of some down time…

  • Apple. Tree.

    Last week as I was having a massive nervous breakdown about my job, Chris was also having a massive nervous breakdown about his.  He came home one night and unloaded all his frustrations…

  • …And Then I Beat Up That Kid

    So, I have a parenting issue going on right now.  It is complex.  It is complicated.  It is multifaceted.  It is perplexing.  Such is the social life of an almost four-year-old. (sigh) Bean…

  • The Once-a-Year Photo

    Once a year, I want a picture with my kids.  Just once.  Just with the kids.  On Mother’s Day, when we’re all dressed up for church and looking pretty, I always ask Chris…