Conversations with Bean and Gracie

  • Bad Religion

    The other day, I was getting on to Bean for something.  I can’t remember what exactly right now, but it was probably for annoying Gracie. So, I say to him, “You’ve got one…

  • It’s Under the Log

    Some of my favorite conversations are the ones I have with the kids while driving around.  It’s pretty funny to hear what they think about things.  They are even getting to the age…

  • The Time Out Fail

    This morning, Gracie was in time out for who-knows-what.  We have two designated “time out spots” in our house, which makes it easy to enforce when there is a discipline issue.  The kids…

  • A Conversation with Bean

    “Police nabidab… Police nabidab…” “I think you mean, ‘Feliz navidad,'” I said. “No, it goes, ‘Police nabidab,'” he said, as he continued to sing in the backseat of my car. “Where’d you learn that…

  • Defending the Goal

    Last week, I was sitting on the sidelines during one of Bean’s soccer practices.  He was playing goalie with some friends on his team while we waited for practice to start.  After about…

  • The Tiny Manipulator

    At bedtime last night, Gracie asked if she could sleep with Bean.  We let them do this occasionally, but it’s usually been for special occasions (the night of the Fourth of July, for…

  • An Eyeball in Her Nose

    Last Friday, I was sitting down to begin a training session I was attending all day for work.  We had barely gotten started when my phone rang at 9:00am.  It was the daycare.…

  • 2:30am

    Our kids have always been good sleepers.  They sleep through the night, and for the most part they get 11-12 hours of sleep every night.  But lately, Gracie has started this disturbing trend.…

  • Inappropriate Parenting

    So, the other night, we were sitting at the dinner table and I tried to tell Bean a joke. Only, he didn’t understand it. Chris and I quickly realized that he didn’t know…