
  • Office Space

    There is a chance that I will not be returning to the classroom next year and will be working full time for ClassMax beginning this June.   This is very exciting.   This…

  • I’ll Bloom Soon, Dammit.

    We all survived our first week of school!  The kids LOVE their teachers, which is really great to hear.  They come home every day bursting to tell us about things that happened in…

  • Happy Belated to My Grumpy Beloved

    We celebrated this hunk’s birthday this past weekend and it only proved my scientific theory that men do get better looking as they get older and that’s why women are moody. *eye roll*…

  • Marriage, Money, and Mario

    On Friday night, we had a movie night with our kids, which has become our weekly tradition.  We had a lot of fun with them, but both Chris and I were ready when…

  • I Try Not to Rant, But…

    Normally, I try not to use this blog to make unproductive rants about my husband or family.  True, I complain a fair bit, but I hope readers can see through that and know…

  • Closing My Mouth and Opening My Ears

    I’m trying something new lately.  It’s pretty radical.  I’m almost embarrassed to say it because it’s just so OUT THERE. I’ve been listening to my husband. I know!  Crazy, right? I am a…

  • Annoying Spouses

    Chris has been driving me crazy lately.  Here is the latest in a long line of annoyances: He called me while I was out today and said he wanted to order a pizza…

  • Fighting the Sadness

    We had a jumpin’ weekend here in the MC household.  My mom came down Friday night and stayed with the kids while Chris and I got gussied up and had a nice date…