Out and About

  • Summertime Confessions

    1.  This morning I checked my email and saw that one of the mom email lists that I am on from church sent out an email announcing that Jake and the Neverland Pirates…

  • I.ve Lost My Mind. And My Dogs.

    I just survived the month of July, which was pretty intense around our house. Three camps for the kids, VBS, Chris’s big work project, swimming lessons (which are ongoing), and the completion of…

  • I Will (Did) Survive!

    Well, I survived vacation bible school. It was pretty awesome. We had 525 children, and ages ranged between three years old up to fifth grade. I’m so glad I was involved because the…

  • Safe Start: Week One

    Since we moved to Florida, I have wanted Bean (and then Gracie) to take Safe Start swimming lessons. Well, they aren’t actually swimming lessons, per se. They are called infant survival research (ISR).…

  • Happy Birthday, Chris!

    This past Sunday was Chris’s 29th birthday. Have I ever told you about how I never remember the date of Chris’s birthday? I don’t know why I have such a problem with it,…

  • How I Became a “Yes” Mom

    Bean is three years old. Which means a large part of my day is spent telling him no. No, you cannot bring those rocks inside. No, you cannot wear slippers to church. No,…

  • Going Home

    This weekend, we packed up and headed back out of town again. This time we went to our hometown of Pensacola, Florida (well, technically we’re from a barrier peninsula just off the coast…

  • Car Travel with an Infant

    I wrote in my last post for the Huggies series about how we flew successfully with an infant, and I thought I’d follow that up by sharing some tips we learned about driving…

  • Gone a-Visitin.

    We all had so much fun in Atlanta this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with my sister before her baby arrives this August and before all the pre-baby festivities begin and…

  • MIA

    I’ve had a bit of a rough week. Nothing major, just one of those times when several things come to a head at once. I’m taking two classes right now for my teaching…