• Digital Friendships

    My two best friends are still my best friends from middle school. Aren’t I lucky? Christina and Sarah have been my ride-or-die for almost my entire life (give or take a few years…

  • Five Fun Trampoline Games

    I don’t know what we would have done over the past two months without outdoor toys. Or without being outdoors at all! All of you imaginary friends living in cold places, I tip…

  • My Attempt at Homeschool

    Oh, imaginary friends! I have worried about you during this crazy, weird time! I hope you all are safe and healthy. I hope your jobs are secure and your futures are as certain…

  • Feeling at Home

    Well, I am three weeks into my new job working at a middle school again, this time as the testing coordinator and instructional coach, and it has been everything I hoped! It feels…

  • What It’s Like When I Meditate

    One of my 2020 goals this year is meditation. I don’t share much about this practice because it’s pretty personal and when you really dissect meditation, it can seem really…well… weird. But in…

  • Drivers Education

    Once upon a time, it was the summer that Chris and I were 15 years old. All of our friends were signed up to take drivers education, including Chris. But my family was…

  • Bean is Growing.

    Look at this kid. Who is this kid? Where is my kid? This is not my kid. Geeeeeez.. growing up is overrated. Bean is looking so much older these days. He’s getting taller.…

  • Long Weekend in Key West

    Pop some popcorn, y’all! It’s vacay picture time! 🙂 Over MLK weekend, Chris and I took a trip to Key West with our friends, Danielle and Quinn. We’d actually been to the Keys…