My Dad’s (Pork) Butt
One of my favorite things to do when I’m missing my dad is to cook something that he used to make. He had a handful of signature dishes. Some of them he never…
The Easter Bug
For Easter this year, we were celebrating with my mom and Grandma on Saturday and at our house with friends on Sunday. It was supposed to be a great weekend. Easter is my…
Easter Baskets, 2013
This year, the Easter baskets runneth over for my kids. Both grandmothers and I all made Easter baskets, so we are doling them out at various points throughout Easter weekend. Grandmomma’s baskets will…
10k On-the-Fly
I’m slowly getting back into running again. I’m up to three or four times a week, and it feels so good. Well, mentally, at least. Physically, I’m freaking sore! My calves are throbbing,…
What Makes My Heart Melt
When Gracie was a baby, she was too small for Bean to play with. He would occasionally bring his toys over and play next to her, but that was really the extent of…
Another Happy, Happy Birthday
Gracie turned two yesterday, but we celebrated on Saturday with family. It was a pretty low key celebration, which is just the kind of party that Gracie likes. She’s not big on the…
Weddings and Festivities
I am sitting on my couch fighting either a terrible low pressure headache because a big storm is rolling in, or an oncoming migraine. Either way, I feel like my head is being…
Gracie Sings the Blessing
By popular demand, here is the cutest video in the world of Gracie saying the blessing at the dinner table. For those who are interested, here is a transcript of the blessing. I…
Hang in There, Momma
Bean was sick all weekend. He’s had a fever since Friday, which peaked on Sunday at 103 degrees (taken under his arm, so add about a degree to that reading… wowza). We just…
Cheap Gifts for an Easter Basket
Every time I go to Target and see the Easter goodies in their aisles, I squeal inside (and sometimes out loud…). Easter is coming, y’all! First, I love it because of what it…