• Happy Birthday, Chris!

    This past Sunday was Chris’s 29th birthday. Have I ever told you about how I never remember the date of Chris’s birthday? I don’t know why I have such a problem with it,…

  • How I Became a “Yes” Mom

    Bean is three years old. Which means a large part of my day is spent telling him no. No, you cannot bring those rocks inside. No, you cannot wear slippers to church. No,…

  • Really Good Days

    Do you ever have those really good days? Days when the sun is shining and your hair looks good and no one pitches a fit and everyone takes a nap and your husband…

  • The Worst Party Guests Ever

    I’m about to tell you a story that has scarred me to my core. TO MY CORE, PEOPLE! It happened a couple weeks ago at Ginny and John Michael’s baby shower in Pensacola.…

  • Going Home

    This weekend, we packed up and headed back out of town again. This time we went to our hometown of Pensacola, Florida (well, technically we’re from a barrier peninsula just off the coast…

  • Gone a-Visitin.

    We all had so much fun in Atlanta this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with my sister before her baby arrives this August and before all the pre-baby festivities begin and…

  • MIA

    I’ve had a bit of a rough week. Nothing major, just one of those times when several things come to a head at once. I’m taking two classes right now for my teaching…

  • Chris Talks to a Nurse

    Tomorrow morning at the butt-crack of dawn, we’re going to be heading to the hospital so that Gracie can get tubes in her ears. I feel really good about it. Gracie hasn’t had…

  • What Will It Bee?

    This past weekend, I ditched Chris and the kids and hitched a ride with my parents to Atlanta to visit my sister. Ginny and her hubby, John Michael, just moved into their new…