Happy Birthday, Chris!
This past Sunday was Chris’s 29th birthday. Have I ever told you about how I never remember the date of Chris’s birthday? I don’t know why I have such a problem with it,…
How I Became a “Yes” Mom
Bean is three years old. Which means a large part of my day is spent telling him no. No, you cannot bring those rocks inside. No, you cannot wear slippers to church. No,…
Really Good Days
Do you ever have those really good days? Days when the sun is shining and your hair looks good and no one pitches a fit and everyone takes a nap and your husband…
The Worst Party Guests Ever
I’m about to tell you a story that has scarred me to my core. TO MY CORE, PEOPLE! It happened a couple weeks ago at Ginny and John Michael’s baby shower in Pensacola.…
Going Home
This weekend, we packed up and headed back out of town again. This time we went to our hometown of Pensacola, Florida (well, technically we’re from a barrier peninsula just off the coast…
Gone a-Visitin.
We all had so much fun in Atlanta this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with my sister before her baby arrives this August and before all the pre-baby festivities begin and…
Happiness and the Rearview Mirror
Ever since Chris started graduate school at Yale, I’ve had this sticker on the back of my car. It’s a simple sticker that says, “Yale University.” At first, it was a badge of…
Chris Talks to a Nurse
Tomorrow morning at the butt-crack of dawn, we’re going to be heading to the hospital so that Gracie can get tubes in her ears. I feel really good about it. Gracie hasn’t had…
What Will It Bee?
This past weekend, I ditched Chris and the kids and hitched a ride with my parents to Atlanta to visit my sister. Ginny and her hubby, John Michael, just moved into their new…