Happy Hallo-Bean!
Well, Halloween this year was an epic fail on my part. But Bean? He NAILED Halloween this year… He even roared. My favorite part of this particular picture? The toes sticking out at…
Well, This is New
Bean has a new trick. He thinks it’s the most fun thing in the whole world. Chris and I disagree. I call it the Limp Noodle. Bean calls it Awesome. Here’s how you…
If You Give a Bean a Pumpkin
If you’re standing in the grocery store line and you see plastic Halloween pumpkins for 99 cents, you’ll probably decide to pick up a little treat for your Bean. And since the grocery…
Like Being Pecked to Death By Ducks
My parents are famous for saying that raising two girls is like being pecked to death by ducks. They just nibble and nibble and nibble away at you. “Mom, can I have money…
Blog Fodder
I get asked a lot how I come up with content to write about on my blog every day. Under normal conditions, it’s really not so hard. I just tell you whatever train…
Conversation at the Family Dinner Table
Since Bean and I both started school last week, we have started having family dinners around the dinner table together. Before, we weren’t on a very good schedule and so Bean usually ate…
And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
Anybody there? (tap, tap) Hello? Helllllloo? HELLLOOOOO???? (tap, tap) Bueller? Bueller? Oh, imaginary friends, how I’ve missed you so! We have never been separated so long before and I do have to say…
15 Months Old
Today Bean has his 15-month-old doctor’s appointment. When I called to schedule it, I had to think twice about if he was really that old. How could that be? Wasn’t he just a…
Vacationing with Nana and Granddad
First, I should start by telling you that the meanies who broke into our house stole my camera cable, so I haven’t been able to download any pictures. To compensate for this, I…