• The Last (Post About) Supper

    I have really loved hearing all this feedback about feeding toddlers and preschoolers.  I have gotten so many new ideas for things to incorporate into my own family meals, and I hope you…

  • That.s a Wrap!

    Recently, on Pinterest (please tell me you guys are on there as much as I am…), I came across these great, super simple wraps. When I originally pinned them, they were listed as…

  • Country Crock My World

    I have a confession. I am a butter lover. I have another confession. I don’t eat enough veggies. I have a final confession. I don’t let Bean eat butter and I make him…

  • Preparing a Feast with a Beast

    Last Thanksgiving, Bean was tiny. I think he made that Thanksgiving better for me because he was a real, live, breathing something to be so thankful for. But he couldn’t really do much…

  • Mexican Beef, Oh My!

    Now, I don’t want to freak anyone out, but I’m about to post a recipe. Crazy, I know. I am not what one might call gifted in the culinary arts. I can grill…

  • Filling Bean’s Tummy

    Ever since we took Bean off formula last week, he has been eating like a little machine!  I don’t know if he’s just filling himself with other things since he doesn’t have the…

  • Things I Love About Florida

    Despite the fact that snakes are rising up against me, there are things about Florida that I love that I had completely forgotten about while I lived in Connecticut.  In an effort to…