And So It Begins…
Up until now, Gracie and Bean have been pretty great together. He really loved showing her his toys and she was crazy about him. But then last weekend, Gracie started to crawl. And…
Regression, Digestion, Mid-Western
This post is only about regression. The other two words are there for no rhyme or reason. Actually, they are there exactly for a rhyme, but that’s not the point. The point is…
God.s Snack
On Sunday mornings, Bean and Gracie go to their own nurseries while Chris and I go to “big church.” Up until Gracie was five or six months old, we brought her to church…
B-E-A-N can R-E-A-D
***New here? Be sure to get your daily dose of Marriage Confessions on Facebook and Twitter!*** So, the title of this post is a little misleading. It should really say, “B-E-A-N can M-E-M-O-R-I-Z-E,”…
The Importance of Being a Mom
For the past two and a half years, my main focus in life has been to keep my kids alive. (And stay married in the process.) I had to learn how to feed…
A Toddler Dinner Party
In the past few months, dinnertime with Bean has become increasingly…um…hellish? Disastrous? Unbearable? D. All of the above. Bean eats like most toddlers. He has a HUGE breakfast every morning. Usually he has…
Two Ways to Skin a Cat…or whatever
Chris and I parent very differently, but with the same end result. We figure as long as we both end up at the same destination, what does it matter what road we each…
Eating on the Go With Little Ones
If I have become an expert on anything this past holiday season, it would have to be eating out with two small children. Whether we’re at someone else’s home, sitting in a fast…
Score One for Mom
There are few things Bean loves more in this world than his underwear. He likes to count it, carry it, stack it, fold it, and wear it. For a while, we really encouraged…
Speak, Bean!
Bean loves my iPhone. He can open it to his own apps and everything. Last week, I managed to get a conversation with him about apps, Christmas, and his upcoming Christmas concert at…