
  • Digital Friendships

    My two best friends are still my best friends from middle school. Aren’t I lucky? Christina and Sarah have been my ride-or-die for almost my entire life (give or take a few years…

  • Drivers Education

    Once upon a time, it was the summer that Chris and I were 15 years old. All of our friends were signed up to take drivers education, including Chris. But my family was…

  • Girls Weekend Kick Off

    This afternoon I had a PTA board meeting and I had to tell them about the Box Tops Crisis of 2018.  Everyone was super nice about it and everything, but I still felt…

  • Back to Yale

    This past weekend, Chris and I took a quick trip back to Yale.  The chair of Chris’s graduate department was retiring after 40 years.  Ben Sammler is a giant in the field of…

  • Your Day is Done

    Today was a busy day.  I was actively on my feet, talking and teaching all day long (as opposed to other teaching days when I am circulating and helping individual students while they…

  • The Sound of Music

    Our church is blessed enough to have two places of worship on Sunday mornings.  We have a traditional church service in the sanctuary and then a simultaneous contemporary worship service in the gym.…

  • The Master’s Plan

    I have very few regrets in my life.  Very, very few.  I believe that mistakes and missed opportunities in our pasts help shape and guide us into our futures.  Regrets are just part…

  • I’m Becoming My Mother

    Growing up, there were things my mom did that I just could not understand in my juvenile, young adult mind.  In fact, I didn’t understand them fully until I became a mother myself.…

  • A Sad, Fun Weekend

    We moved my mom out of her house this weekend, which was kind of sad.  But it was made infinitely less sad by the presence of my sister and her family.  Ginny and…