Another School Year
Oh, friends! So much has happened while I have been away! First of all, THIS happened this morning. (Ignore the years being wrong. I saved the file on my computer last year and…
Gracie’s New Hardware
It has been a long, emotional 24 hours in my city. As the victim’s names are released, we find connections to them in all different places. Former students of coworkers, friends of friends,…
Report Card Predictions
Bean got his report card last week. All A’s, of course. Even in math. He gets it from his daddy. His favorite subject is math. And his favorite part about math is counting…
Bad Religion
The other day, I was getting on to Bean for something. I can’t remember what exactly right now, but it was probably for annoying Gracie. So, I say to him, “You’ve got one…
Baseball Opening Ceremonies, 2015
Chris ordered a camera battery charger for me last week and saved my pictures. And my blog. So, now we are back to regularly scheduled programming. Last weekend, we had Bean’s first tee…
Raising a Kindergartener
People ask often which age of raising kids has been my favorite so far. That’s such a tough question because each age has it’s ups and downs. Some years, yes, there are more…
Hi. I’m Married to a Five-Year-Old.
Chris has two jobs on school-day mornings. He fixes the kids breakfast while I get dressed, and he takes Bean to school after Gracie and I leave at an earlier time. Easy peasey.…
Defending the Goal
Last week, I was sitting on the sidelines during one of Bean’s soccer practices. He was playing goalie with some friends on his team while we waited for practice to start. After about…