Unexplainable Intuition
I had a pretty rough day today. I woke up with a headache and that ended up being the high point. What got everything off to a bad start was something that happened…
Sit, Boo Boo, Sit.
This weekend, Gracie checked another milestone off her chart. She now sits. (sigh) Damn. When Bean was a big lump of baby fat, I couldn’t wait for him to hit milestones. Rolling over?…
Lead By Example
Tonight we had spaghetti for dinner. It’s a crowd pleaser at my house. I cut Bean’s noodles up really small so he can use his spoon to eat it and it’s one of…
Like Father, Like Son
One of my mother-in-law’s favorite stories of Chris and his sister, Annie, is from when they were really little. Annie and Chris are four years apart and when Annie was a baby, Chris…
Gracie Giggles
Gracie is usually really good about going to bed. I give her a bottle, rock her for as long as she lets me, and then lay her down in her crib when she…
Sick Days x 2
Last week, Gracie had a runny nose. Within two days, she had spread that runny nose to Bean, who then took on multiple cold symptoms – runny nose, cough, low fevers. At that…
Two Be Do Be Doooo
Being two years old is rough work. Exhausting, really. It takes all that Bean has to hurl himself emotionally onto the floor in order to let me know that he would rather have…
Feedin’ the Bambino
When Gracie turned three months old, we started putting a little cereal into her bottles during the day. We did this with Bean to help him sleep through the night, but for Gracie…
Putting Your Toddler Through Changes
We moved into our house on a Saturday and Sunday. That following Monday, Bean Man started school. Normally, I am really big on avoiding too much change at one time for the kids,…