
  • The Center of Our Home

    Without a doubt, my favorite part of the work week is the hour after we get home from school.  Usually, the kids and I are either outside in the front yard or getting…

  • When Children Change Your Lives

    Recently, I saw a preview for the Dreamworks movie “Delivery Man,” starring Vince Vaughn.  It looked like something right up my alley.  The perfect comedy of errors which leads to self-reflection and improved…

  • A New Take On Classroom Valentine’s

    This year, I have done something a little different for Valentine’s Day.  You know how kids bring classroom Valentine’s to their schools, all addressed out to their classmates and friends?  I have always…

  • YourKidVid For the Win!

    Every Christmas morning from my childhood, I remember a giant 1980’s camcorder set up on a tripod in the corner of our living room, recording our every move.  Sounds a little creepy now,…

  • GNO…It’s Coming!!!!

    I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. I love weekends like these. We had a little fun, and got a lot done. Leaves me feeling rested and prepared to face the…