Sports and Activities

  • Weekend Report

    (First of all, I can’t even explain all the updates and technical issues I went through to get these damn pictures on my blog tonight.  It has taken me two days of wrestling…

  • {Forced to} Play Ball!

    Bean played four seasons of little league baseball back to back.  So, when he told us last spring that he wanted to take a season off, we were happy to let him.  He…

  • Win Some, Lose Some

    Oh, Lord, y’all.  I’m about to tell you a really long, detailed story about how I messed up royally and it will make you feel better about your own life decisions. So, last…

  • The First Tee

    For the past three seasons, Bean has played Little League baseball and our whole family has loved it!  We became dugout parents and spending three or four days a week at the ball…

  • Extra-Curricu-Grrrrr’s

    It’s that dreaded time of year when we all sign our kids up for extracurricular activities.  I’m a big fan of activities, as a whole.  I think they help build character in kids.…

  • My First Spin Class

    You. Guys. I joined the YMCA in our neighborhood, which means I joined an actual gym.  EEK!  The Y in our neighborhood is like a country club.  Seriously.  It’s the prettiest Y I…

  • Relax. It’s Little League.

    Bean’s team had playoffs this weekend.  They played on Saturday and Sunday and won both games, which means they are headed to the championship game this week. I’m so proud of him because…