B-E-A-N can R-E-A-D
***New here? Be sure to get your daily dose of Marriage Confessions on Facebook and Twitter!*** So, the title of this post is a little misleading. It should really say, “B-E-A-N can M-E-M-O-R-I-Z-E,”…
The Importance of Being a Mom
For the past two and a half years, my main focus in life has been to keep my kids alive. (And stay married in the process.) I had to learn how to feed…
Colored Rice Sensory Activity for Toddlers
The other day, a little fairy came and whispered into my ear that toddlers love playing with brightly colored rice. Okay. Not really. I found this on Pinterest. (sigh) Because I’m addicted. Since…
A Toddler Dinner Party
In the past few months, dinnertime with Bean has become increasingly…um…hellish? Disastrous? Unbearable? D. All of the above. Bean eats like most toddlers. He has a HUGE breakfast every morning. Usually he has…
Score One for Mom
There are few things Bean loves more in this world than his underwear. He likes to count it, carry it, stack it, fold it, and wear it. For a while, we really encouraged…
Speak, Bean!
Bean loves my iPhone. He can open it to his own apps and everything. Last week, I managed to get a conversation with him about apps, Christmas, and his upcoming Christmas concert at…
Toddler Activities
Anyone whose been around these parts long enough knows of my love and slight obsession with Pinterest. I can’t look away. I can’t stop. It’s become a problem. But it’s also been a…
Two Be Do Be Doooo
Being two years old is rough work. Exhausting, really. It takes all that Bean has to hurl himself emotionally onto the floor in order to let me know that he would rather have…
Putting Your Toddler Through Changes
We moved into our house on a Saturday and Sunday. That following Monday, Bean Man started school. Normally, I am really big on avoiding too much change at one time for the kids,…
New Daycare for Bean
I worried about the timing of all these new things in our lives for the kids. They were moving into a new house the same week that they started a new school and…