The Pool Bag
This summer I am trying something new, and so far I am really loving it. During the summer, the kids and I can be found either out by the pool or at the…
The Many Emotions of Dinnertime
Success. Happiness. Satisfaction. Perseverance. Curiosity. Pride. Determination. Intrigue. Shame. But mostly, defeat.
What I Learned on a Farm
This past weekend, Bean had a birthday party for one of this classmates at a petting farm. I had never been to a petting farm before. In fact, when I got the invitation,…
Cups Without the Cake
This past weekend, Chris was in tech rehearsals all day on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Which left me to fend for myself with two wee ones that weekend. Luckily, they are getting to…
Big Beds and Tuttle Shirts
Last night around 11:00, I went in to check on the kids before I went to bed. When I went into Bean’s room, though, he was no where to be found. And neither…
My Spirited Child
A couple months ago, I asked all of you imaginary friends for some advice on how to handle Gracie and her sassy self. You all gave us some great advice, a lot of…
Siblings and Potty Training
One of the things that has made potty training Gracie very different than potty training Bean is having Bean around. He was sort of hanging out on the fringes for a while, just…
Happy 2nd Birthday, Gracie Girl!
I should wait until tomorrow to post our annual birthday video for Gracie, but I just can’t do it! I can’t believe our sweet Gracie is two years old on Monday! Where has…
Hang in There, Momma
Bean was sick all weekend. He’s had a fever since Friday, which peaked on Sunday at 103 degrees (taken under his arm, so add about a degree to that reading… wowza). We just…
Soooooo, Bean’s three and a half. And if I had to describe three and a half year old boys in one word, it would have to be “rambunctious.” Like, REALLY, REALLY rambunctious. Bean…