One of Those Days…
I haven’t had one of those parenting days in a while. You know the ones. Those days when nothing goes right and everything is a struggle. I mean, don’t get me wrong. On…
Regression, Digestion, Mid-Western
This post is only about regression. The other two words are there for no rhyme or reason. Actually, they are there exactly for a rhyme, but that’s not the point. The point is…
God.s Snack
On Sunday mornings, Bean and Gracie go to their own nurseries while Chris and I go to “big church.” Up until Gracie was five or six months old, we brought her to church…
One of the hardest parts of being a parent is figuring out the logistics. I remember being pregnant with Bean and sitting up all night long worrying about things like how I was…
Monkey Joe.s
This past weekend we took Bean and Gracie to a birthday party for one of Bean’s classmates. Who knew that a toddler birthday party would be a lesson in the value of marriage? …
B-E-A-N can R-E-A-D
***New here? Be sure to get your daily dose of Marriage Confessions on Facebook and Twitter!*** So, the title of this post is a little misleading. It should really say, “B-E-A-N can M-E-M-O-R-I-Z-E,”…
The View From Here
This is Gracie. Gracie is ten months old. She likes apples, sweet potatoes, and yogurt. She enjoys chewing on my bangle bracelets and playing with her brother. You know what she doesn’t like?…
The Importance of Being a Mom
For the past two and a half years, my main focus in life has been to keep my kids alive. (And stay married in the process.) I had to learn how to feed…
Brothers and Sisters
Bean and Gracie are at a great stage right now. Bean’s two and a half and Gracie is almost ten months old. Up until this point, both of them have been interested in…
These Are the Days
Sometimes in the middle of a random diaper change, Gracie reminds me what an incredible blessing it is to be a mother. And not just anyone’s mother. Her mother. She fills my heart…