Selective Intelligence
I am amazed at how much Bean is learning these days. It is incredible, really. I think the biggest difference I notice with him at 14 MONTHS OLD (Holy crap!) is how much…
Getting a Handle on Temper Tantrums
My adorable, sweet, loving, kind, cuddly Beanie Boo has turned into a total turd in the past couple weeks. These temper tantrums are becoming more frequent and they seem to be gaining strength…
What I’ve Learned: Water Activities Edition
What I’ve Learned is a series on MC that celebrates the small victories in parenthood. Every day I feel like I get better at being a mom and this series is where I…
The Sweetest Reason for Divorce
The other morning at 7:30, Bean came toddling into my bedroom. He had his two golf clubs with him, as always, and he used them to poke me awake. Then he broke into…
Slippery Little Suckers
I have also encountered the peeking under the dividers into other people’s dressing rooms. Always a crowd pleaser.
Another Reason to Have Kids
I’m not gonna lie. One of the main reasons I had a child was so I had someone’s head to poke through these things at attractions. Chris always put up such a struggle.
Summertime Toys
This summer, Bean’s age has opened him up to a whole new world of toys and activities that keep him entertained. That has been so exciting, but it also has had the potential…
Well, NOW What Do I Do?
Can we talk about these pictures for a minute? No, I don’t want to talk about how the Department of Children and Families would take my child away if they knew I was…
Mayday! Mayday! The Molars Are Coming! Mayday! Mayday!
Bean has cut almost all of his teeth already. He’s only got about four spaces in his little mouth left empty and the rest are filled with pearly whites. Right now, he’s cutting…
Clingy Beanie
Bean has never really been a clingy baby. He has always gone to other people pretty well after he has a chance to warm up to them a bit. He’s never been one…