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Miscellaneous Thursday

It is Thursday and I have many things to share.  Many small, random, probably-no-one-cares-but-me things to share.  So, let’s jump right into it…

– Thanks to everyone who came out last night for the LIVE video chat session with me and Chris.  We answered questions about our marriage, our move, parenting, money, religion, and just about everything in between.

If you missed the conversation, you can check it out by watching the videos.  We had some technical difficulties on our end and so the conversation is broken up into three different videos, with the majority of the chat session in the first video and then two shorter ones.  And there is no ending.  Sorry about that.  Our internet here is pretty awful.

Video One
Video Two
Video Three

– Chris’ mom came to visit this past weekend for Bean’s birthday at Disney.  She and her…I don’t know what to call Charles.  They’ve been together for, like, a billion years so he’s more than just her boyfriend.  Let’s call Charles the Man Partner.  He’ll like that.  Anyway, Jackie and her Man Partner, Charles, came to visit and it was so nice to see them again.  They are the kinds of people who will go along with whatever you happen to be doing.  Easy to entertain.  Easy to talk to.  I love that about them.  Bean had a great time with his Grandmomma, too.  She gives good snuggles and feeds him water from big boy straws (his favorite thing in the whole wide world).

–  My real life BFF, Emily, sent me a gift for Bean’s birthday.  Isn’t that the nicest thing ever?  Everyone should have a BFF like Emily.  She sent me a gift card to Bloomingdale’s.  And ever since I got the card, I have been wracking my brain about what I should use it on.  I need a new purse really badly.  But I also would like another casual sundress to wear around the house.  But I also want one of those long bohemian sundresses (though I think they’ll make me look like a dwarf).  And then I also remembered that they have a great salon at Bloomingdale’s and I desperately need a good haircut.  SO MANY OPTIONS!  So, instead of spending the gift card, I am sitting at home on my couch, clutching it in my paw, afraid to move.

– It has become my personal mission in life to make Bean walk.  It has become Bean’s personal mission in life to be the first crawling college student.  So far, he is winning.

– I caught Bean this week chewing on Petunia (my iPhone).  He was chewing on the speaker part.  Now, my ringer doesn’t work so the only way I know if I missed any calls is to constantly check my phone.  I am already a pretty bad cell phone user because I hardly ever have it with me, so this just complicates a bad situation even further.  If you need me, I can be reached by carrier pigeon.

– I have bought three presents for Father’s Day for Chris already and given them each to him.  I have no patience.

–  I made taco meat in the crock pot yesterday by putting a pound of ground beef, a packet of taco seasoning, and a can of diced tomatoes in there and letting it sit all day.  Smelled delicious.  Tasted like cat food.




    The taco meat sounded good. I’m glad you warned me it was gross or else I would have went home and tried it! LOL. I don’t know if you have “Ranch Style Beans” at your grocery store. They are in can with a black label that reads “Ranch Style Beans”. Just brown 1lb ground beef then add a can of Ranch Style Beans. Continue cooking until heated through and WHAM! you have delicious taco meat in a matter of minutes.

  • Nate's Mom

    Go to The greatest collection of slow cooker recipes ever. The woman who writes this blog just came out with a cookbook, too. She rates every recipe she made (she made something in the crock pot every day for an entire year) by how much she and her husband and her kids liked it. And all her stuff is gluten free because one of her kids is allergic. We haven’t made a dud from her recipes yet. The index to all of her recipes is at

    • Julie

      I love that site, too. Everything I have tried turned out great as well, although I steered clear of the yogurt in the crock pot. It just seemed sketchy.

  • Nikki

    Thanks for the early morning post. I needed that! Thanks for doing the live chat last night. You were able to rope my boyrfriend in, which is no small feat!

  • Heather in ND

    Haha! Cat food… gross. I don’t really like hamburger that sits in the crock pot all day because it seems to get mushy… maybe it would be good if it was just cooked in a pan!!

    The chat last night was awesome!!

    Try giving Bean one of those balls that you can get at walmart that are in the big bin for him to walk with… that’s helped a few here!!

  • Liz

    Hi- I’ve been a reader for a while but I’m a shy commenter. Anyway, my good friend had a stubborn walker, and the thing that helped were squeaker shoes. They are baby shoes with a removable squeaker in the sole- different online companies make them. Maybe Bean just wants to squeak? Good luck!

  • Diana @ A Little Bit of Life

    I missed the chat last night so I will have to catch up with the videos.

    I cracked up at the cat food! I would have been sooooo upset though – Taco night is my absolute favorite. Then again you could have used it as an excuse to go to Tijuana Flats – if you haven’t been there yet – GO!! Best Tex-Mex ever!

    I have yet to buy my hubby or my dad a present yet. I also don’t have any ideas. So you are way ahead of me.

  • Kendra

    HAHA! You make me laugh almost everyday. If I’m not laughing I’m crying or I have a big smile on my face!

    I think you should buy a long dress. I’m short too and I wear them and people tell me it looks good all the time (they could be saying it to make me feel better!)

  • Life of a Doctor's Wife

    Cat food – ha! I’d like to blame it on the tomatoes (I hate tomatoes) but maybe it was letting the ground beef cook for so long? I once made spaghetti for a dinner party and I started it at about 2:00 pm just so I wouldn’t be rushed and when it came time to eat, the meat was… mushy. Cat-food-esque, now that you mention it. Ick.

  • Jennifer

    thank you so much for doing the chat yesterday. It nice to see the personality that goes along with the posts. It’s awesome of you to take time out of your day to let us in a little more into your lives.

  • Elisabeth

    I enjoyed the chat last night. I appreciate yall’s honesty and willingness to share.

    I would tell you to not stress about Bean not walking, but then I would be somewhat of a hypocrite. I’m always stressing over everything my 8 month old isn’t doing. But as for walking, I have several friends whose children were over a year old before they walked and they’re perfectly fine.

  • Layne

    Couple a things:

    First, I thought it was hysterical when 1)when you told him to go watch the game and he said “she doesn’t mean that!” So true, so funny and so something my husband and I would say to each other! And 2) Chris rolled his eyes when you said you would extend the online session . . poor guy, he SOOO wanted to see that game! I love Chris, so cute!

    And Katie, I’m totally feeling your pain on the internet. We live in Winter Park and, not sure who your provider is but if it’s the same one I have (um. . . how should I say . . . ShinyAbode??) then they SUCK! Our signal gets dropped constantly. I’ve never heard of our friends having issues but we have them, BIG time.

    Okay, I’m done with the random comments. You two are so much fun to watch and I really enjoyed the chat, even though the end was a bummer. Oh! And I really hope you do post the engagement video. It sounds adorable!

    Ok, done now! 😉


  • Jess McEwen

    Haha you are hilarious! It sounds delicious, wonder why it tasted like cat food?!

    Everyone watch the video- They answered my question so all in all, it was a great live chat!

  • BFF Emily

    Go Bloomies! The gift card reminded me of the Bloomies-on-the-butt underwear you brought back for me from your engagement trip to NYC with Chris. Remember how I forced you to get your nails done right before you left because I was sure he would propose? Remember how you told me I was crazy? I win. Crazy lady wins.

    • BFF Emily

      Did that sound gross? I meant *NEW* underwear. Like with tags. Now I think I’m just making things worse. And awkward. I give up. Delete.

  • Niki

    Cat food?! lol When I make tacos, I brown the meat in a pan and season it with salt, pepper and just a tiny bit of Mexican organo.

    My son walked when he was 14 months old. My daughter was 15 months old. I wouldn’t start worrying about Bean just yet. 🙂

  • Michelle

    Try this for taco meat in the crock pot instead:

    Brown and drain 1 pound ground beef. Put in crock pot. Add one packet taco seasoning, 1/2 cup water, 2 cans refried beans, and 1 eight ounce can of tomato sauce. Let cook for about 4 hours on low.

    You have to dirty two pots instead of just one (because you need to brown the ground beef) but it tastes great. It makes a lot of filling, but it freezes beautifully so you can make more than one dinner at a time. We put this on freshly cooked tortillas (get the uncooked ones at Costco) and then top with all the typical taco fillings). Yummy.

  • Holli

    Bean damaged Petunia right in time for you to buy the iPhone 4! It comes out on the 24th. What a thoughtful child you have 🙂 I’ve been randomley letting my 6 month old naw on my iPhone in hopes a similar situation to yours occurs..that way I can convince my husband that I need the new one! I frickin deserve it!!

  • Sarah H.

    I enjoyed this Thursday post 🙂 I know it’s gotta be hard when it SEEMS like everyone elses one year old is walking and yours isn’t–but really babies develop at all diferrent rates, and Bean is perfectly normal! No one wrote the book based on YOUR baby. They wrote it based on what the average baby does. The average baby is determined by a statistical average of a sampling of babies. Most babies are walking by 15 months, so no worries 🙂

  • Megan

    I thoroughly enjoyed the video chat last night. Thanks for doing it. I kept forgetting you guys were on a delay with the comments and I would comment on what you were saying at the moment. Little confusing…sorry about that.

    If I got a gift card to Bloomingdale’s I would know what to do with it either. I would probably end up holding on to it until it expired because I would be so overwhelmed. I’m crazy like that though.

    You are way ahead of me on the Father’s Day thing and it is coming up. Lawsie mercy I better get busy!

    I wouldn’t think to do taco meat in the crock-pot. I guess that’s a good thing.

    As far as Bean walking…babies do what they want when they want. I know it’s hard not to compare sometimes. Q-tip wasn’t talking nearly as much as some of my friends babies but now she talks like CRAZY. He will be walking soon enough and then things get even MORE interesting. AKA…BUSY. AKA…you’ll want to pull your hair out. AKA…lots more bumps and bruises. AKA…you’ll sorta wish he was still only crawling. Maybe a tiny bit. 🙂


  • Lindsey

    I’m sure you already know this but I’m going to throw it out there just in case 🙂 Did you brown the meat before you put it into the crock pot? You can put everything in raw – roasts, chicken, pork, etc – but not ground beef. Just trying to get to the bottom of why it tasted like cat food!

    And ps, I loved this post – funny girl you are.

  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Whew, thank goodness. I thought I was missing a video, glad it’s just your internet. Well, not glad. I mean, I’m sorry your internet connection sucks. That’s terribly sad. And a good reason to get a different rental home. But I’m glad I wasn’t just confused about the videos. I’ve bored myself with this comment.

    I’m sorry.

  • Jamie

    Am I allowed to say that Chris has a sexy voice? He does. Loved the chat, ya’ll make me laugh!

    Also, it makes me feel good to know that sometimes your fights get blown up and last for a few days. I’ve been married for a little over a year and sometimes it happens. Im glad i’m not alone.

    I cant wait for the book and Im even more excited about the book tour. I’ve already picked out our BFF necklaces. 🙂

    • Katie

      No, you aren’t allowed to say that because Chris’ head will grow so big he won’t be able to fit through the door. 🙂

  • Maybelline

    OMG! I’m not the only one that does that!!!!!… hahahahaha I have my husband gift already, but since I have to finish it I haven’t felt the need to ask him if he wants his present. What I usually do is buy small, little gifts and give him one each day.

    It was nice to be part of the chat last night! Thank you for allowing us into your living room, next time we should bring like coffee and cookies or something like that

  • Christina

    I already forgot what I was going to say…that is because I have no more brain cells after traveling with my three kids today.
    Chris looks so much like his mom. Wow. I love that.
    I would lose my mind trying to decide what to get with a gift card. In fact, it’s happened before.
    Bean crawling around college…please, that image is really funny. Like, a movie. Imagine the scene. I’m laughing out loud. But…that wouldn’t be good. Because we don’t want to laugh at his expense! So! I’m rooting for you, Katie!
    And I am very sorry about your taco meat/cat food. That is a recipe for “let’s order pizza tonight”!

  • Laura

    Hi Katie (and Chris),
    Thanks for posting the chat videos…I’m looking forward to watching them. I was watching part of the first viedo earlier and enjoying Chris’s commentary about the Blackhawks/Flyers game. I’m a huge, huge Hawks fan so that was amusing to me! (The game result was great too.)

    Just wanted to say, I’m sorry I missed it live (I live down under in Australia and the time change is difficult) and am looking forward to watching the rest of it.

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