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My Faux Style

When Chris and I first started working with Flosites, the web design company who is designing our new website, the first thing we had to do was answer a huge questionnaire on our style, complete with pictures.  That way, the web designers could get a feel for what we liked and preferred and what would work for our new site.

I knew right away what style I wanted.  I wanted my whole website – no, my whole being – to emulate Anthropologie.  It’s one of my favorite, favorite stores.  I love everything in there.  I love their oddly chic clothes, their old fashioned and still hip home accessories, their trendy and yet classic hobo bags.  Everything about that store’s style makes my heart sing.  I could spend hours in there redesigning and redesigning every compartment of my entire life.

But after spending more time getting to know us through our blog and the rest of our questionnaire, the Flosites designers came back with a harsh reality.

Anthropologie wasn’t really my style.

At first, I wanted to argue.  To insist.  I WAS THAT STORE.  If I was a style, that would be the style I was.  But when I thought harder about it, I sort of saw where they were coming from.  And the glaring fact that brought me back to my senses was that no matter how much I loved that store, no matter how many catalogs I dog-eared, or how many imaginary shopping carts I filled online, I had never bought anything at Anthropologie.

Well, that’s not really true.  One time I bought one little black dress because I was out of town for a bachelorette party and I realized that my dress for our big night out with the bride looked more like a church dress compared to everyone else, so I splurged and bought a brand new dress there in Anthropologie while we were all out shopping.  But I only wore it that one weekend and since then it has hung in my closet, untouched.

(That’s me on the far right with the green clutch.)

Maybe those web designers knew what they were talking about after all.  Darn it.

It ended up being the right choice by Flosites because the look they came up with instead was spot-on perfect and I can’t wait to launch the new site in the next few weeks.  If I were a website, this is the website I would be.  It fits me perfectly.

But, alas, it is very much not Anthropologie.  Nevertheless, I continue to shop their website and occasionally browse through their stores.  And when the cute, trendy, hip counter clerks ask if they can help me, I will still say, “No, thank you.  I’m just browsing.”

I wonder sometimes though what it would be like to free my inner Bohemian.  Hopefully this year we’ll be buying a house and moving again and while the idea of packing up and unpacking again makes my skin crawl, I secretly have been harboring this plan to completely change the style of my house when we move this time.  No more country rose floral rugs.  No more paisley and gingham.  Maybe it’s time to explore the possibilities of brighter colors and flashier prints.  Maybe it’s time to be a little bolder.  Maybe after 27 years, it’s time to change my style.

Though, I do wonder how chic this table cloth would look with spaghetti stains all over it…


  • Jordy

    I LOVE anthropologie, too. It would my go-to store if I was rich. One day, maybe?

    I can’t wait to see the new design and what your “style” truly is. 🙂

    • Jamie

      I know exactly what you mean. They way I dress is not even close to what i would call “my style” but I cant AFFORD all the cute tops and to-die-for shoes that i want to wear. And my house is decorated in my style, but that is also very expensive so my house is decorated very sparsley while i try to afford more things.

  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Anthropolgie is the MOST adorable store in the world.

    Sadly it’s also expensive.

    And I’m poor.

    Hence I own nothing from them.

    They also aren’t really in my part of the world.

    But a girl can dream.

    And if I ever marry my dream treasure hunter/astronaut/accountant I’m going to buy everything they’ve ever made.

  • Margaret

    Dude, you won’t notice the spaghetti stains. The tablecloth will make the stains more glamorous. Promise. Also, I highly recommend adding colors! We have “jalapeno pepper” green living room walls (which are a little less dark green and more that trendy green that was allll the rage last year, and I love them. You don’t have to be that radical, though. =) I will say, though, that home stuff from Anthropologie is always on my list for birthdays and Christmases.

  • Whitney

    What a clever post! I love it! And I love your dress-why didn’t you wear it again? Oh who am I kidding, I have tons of stuff I only wore once. Drat. Long live Antho!!

  • Layne

    From what I have seen of it, Anthropologie is super cute but for the longest time the nearest store to me was 2-3 hours away. And I just get too frustrated to shop online (paying for shipping, not being able to try something on, or feel it/see it for myself) so I just don’t look. Now there is an Anthropologie pretty close to me but, I agree with the other girls, it’s on the expensive side. And I am holding onto the purse-strings pretty tight since we found out we are expecting. So I go to Target and admire the other pretty stores from afar. . . .

    And you MUST stop teasing us with talk of your new site design. Can’t wait to see it!

  • laurenbtrain

    if i had a money tree i too would shop at A. i am broke, so instead i have to refrain from even tempting myself. i do have to say, while i love all of their stuff, i think it would get old quick (from a style perspective) and i would feel the need to constantly switch it out. then i would find myself back in the store, still poor and stuck with stuff I couldnt change around with the seasons to match all of their seasonally trendy stuff.

  • Sarah H.

    YAY, I’m so excited for the new site! And really, that dress just stayed in your closet all this time? It’s cute! But don’t worry, I just recently started wearing dresses 2 or 3 times to different functions. I’m working harder at bringing them all out multiple times.

  • Nikki

    I’m really excited for the new site! I have the same obsession, but with Potter Barn. I keep telling myself that one day I will be able to afford them…one day.

  • Lindsay (YoungMarriedMom)

    Wow. I have the exact same relationship with Anthropologie. I’m fascinated by how adorable everything is, but when I consider trying something on for just a moment, I realize something about it isn’t quite right for me. Let’s be honest: I’m 100% Ann Taylor!

    Also that dress is great and should definitely be worn again!

  • Laura

    Alas, there is no Anthropologie down under. I suppose I could order online, but then it would get even more expensive. So like you, I own only a couple things from that store. Sigh.

    Can’t wait to see the new site design, Katie!!!

  • Stephanie Strutz

    Katie you look AMAZING in that black dress! And I’m really excited to see what your website will look like!

  • Sara

    oooh I’m with you on Anthropologie. It’s so fun to look around in there–I could spend hours and still not buy anything, although generally walk out wishing I had bought everything. Too funny that it took somebody who doesn’t really even know you at all to help you see that what you think is your style just isn’t! I can definitely relate. Can’t wait to see the new site design!

  • Michelle

    Well, that’s not *entirely true*. While you might not adorn yourself in Anthropologie, you do recognize the spectacularness (that should be a word!) of their items. I mean, you did purchase adorable measuring cups there, didn’t you? I think you mentioned they were for Emily; you also purchased a set for a give-away.


    Your reformed, formerly rude reader 🙂

    PS – – Take Michael to the parents’ and put on that cute black dress for the love of Pete!! It’s adorable, and your ovaries will thank you!!

  • Megan

    I would love to talk to Flosites just so they could help me determine what style I am. Not necessarily for my blog…just for my peace of mind! I like so many things and often I try to mesh them all together and sadly…it rarely works out.

    Maybe someday I’ll figure out what style I would be if I were a style. I’m almost certain whatever it is would be bedazzled.



  • Jody

    I’m slightly embarrassed and may even get banned from reading confessions when I admit I thought you just misspelled ‘anthropology’ and couldn’t figure out for the life of me how you were attempting to design your blog around the study of humans & culture.

    I am totally blushing now, and if I’m allowed to remain, I too am excited to see the new digs! (totally an anthropologY pun *snort*).

  • Melissa Sunday

    How can it be that you don’t wear that dress still? It looked ADORABLE. Pull it out of the closet and take it out on the town!

    And, though I’m very resistant to change, I can’t wait to see the new website.

  • Leah

    I can one hundred percent sympathize. I have only ever bought underwear at Anthropologie. Which hardly qualifies me to declare my style as Anthro-esque…but I still point there whenever anyone asks me my ideal… anything. Dish towels, jeans, tops, dresses. *sigh*.

  • Renee

    Never been to Anthropologie, but I’ve heard of it a lot lately. I live in a small town in northern Michigan, so we don’t get any cool stores until they are no longer cool.

    And I sympathize with you. My actualy style is nothing like my imaginary style. 🙂

  • Katy

    Katie, I completely agree! I am in love with Anthropologie, I stalk their website and their catalogs are so loved in my house… yet… I have nothing from there! I say that it’s because it’s too expensive, but I think maybe I’m not quite cool enough for that type of style.

  • Robin

    So true! I wish I was cute and petite enough to wear clothes at Anthropologie, but I have to go with sales and mom-reality clothes. Target, Old Navy and the occasional Loft style. For home decor, I have this inner love of all cottage-cutesy styles (much like Anthropologie), but my reality is more “arts and crafts” with my home decor. It might have something to do with my husband being very involved in home decor and me not asserting myself as much as I should. But at this point, we have a whole house full of the “arts and crafts” style so it would be hard to switch. A move is just what I need! I hope you are able to make some changes when you get into a new house. 🙂

  • Amber

    I have this “problem” with Urban Outfitters, which kind of has the same feel as Anthroologie. I love going in the store, looking at all the cute clothes and accessories, but I can never seem to find something I actually want to buy. I’m sure I’ve said many times how much I love the store, but I can’t think of anything I’ve bought there. I have that hippie-bohemian girl inside me somewhere too but I guess it’s not very big :0)

  • Julie

    Me too! I love Anthropologie, but I have never bought a single thing there. I’m pretty sure that my time is coming, though. I think turning 30 means that I need to shop there. And wear aprons around the house with cute dresses and heels.


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