Changes,  Family,  Florida,  Husbands,  Marriage Confessions,  Operation BWYP,  Parenting,  Pregnancy

Grace and Bean

By the time my c-section was finished and we made it up to our room, it was close to midnight. My parents were still at the hospital with Bean, waiting so that he had a chance to meet Gracie. We finally got up to our room and Bean came in. I’m sure it was the hormones, but I started crying right away. I think it was relief. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for the time when we were all together and here it was.


The first thing Chris and I did was give Bean 100% of our attention. He had been such a trooper all day long and we knew he was tired and confused. So, I let him climb up in my hospital bed with me (after explaining that he had to be very gentle with Mommy’s boo-boo…) and we cuddled there for a few minutes just the two of us while my parents had some good time snuggling with Gracie.


When we’d loved on Bean really good, the four of us curled up together on the bed and introduced Bean to his little sister.


Bean was pretty quiet at first. It was late and he was tired, but he also wasn’t quite sure what to do with her. To help him out, we started pointing out all the parts of her face. That’s one of Bean’s favorite things to do anyway, but it also gave him something to focus on. He pointed out her eyes and ears and mouth. And he giggled when he saw she had no teeth. We also encouraged him to touch her as he pointed out these things. We wanted him to be comfortable with her and to know that he didn’t have to stand back when she was around. That’s his sister and he can certainly be as close to her as he wants. As soon as he touched her cheek and had our permission to interact with her, he really opened up.

“Touch! Touch!” he’d ask and as soon as we said okay, he’d gently rub her cheek or hold her hand.




It really was such a sweet moment for our family in the middle of the night.

My parents took Bean home that night and Chris and I sent Gracie down to the nursery so that we could get a good night’s sleep after a long, unexpected day of excitement. Good thing we rested, too, because the next day all the troops arrived and it was a day full of family and happiness and all good things.

First, Chris’s mom came into town bright and early on Saturday.


Jackie has been such a great grandmomma to Bean. I know she’s going to love having two grandbabies to love and spoil even more!


Chris’s sister, Annie, also came up to the hospital to meet Gracie, too. Babies have a tendency to bring everyone around!!


My sister, Ginny, and he husband, John Michael, were scheduled to fly in in a couple weeks but when Gracie arrived early, they changed their flight and were in our hospital room within 24 hours.



If you’ve read my blog for any period of time, you know how important my sister is to me. Having her there made the whole thing seem real. I was so glad she was there.



And, of course, my parents were back that day, too. They were toting Bean back and forth between our house and the hospital and trying as best they could to spend time with Gracie and make Bean’s life as normal as possible. And in their leftover time (ha ha…) they were getting our house cleaned up and ready for us to come back home. In short, they are just good people and we are lucky they are so close now.



But mostly this day was about Bean and Gracie again. As it should have been.

Bean came up to the hospital that afternoon and hung out until dinner. He was a trooper and it was nice to spend a good block of time together as a new, bigger family.





Thankfully, we are learning that Gracie might be even more laid back that even Bean was. She seems to really love sleeping, but I think that’s pretty normal in newborns. She’s been snoozing a lot and waking up to either eat or toot. Not a bad life, really.


But I woke her up for some forced snuggles throughout the day. I figure she owes me after all those kicks in the ribs…


All in all, Day 2 was pretty awesome. Not only did I get to spend time getting to know my Gracie Girl, but so did the rest of our family. It was so nice to have them close by and it made me really thankful to be living in Florida again.



  • Leslie

    You all look so happy! Thank you for sharing how you introduced Bean to Gracie. My little boy is the same age as Bean and we are due in June and I wasn’t sure how to handle them meeting for the first time. This seems perfect. Congratz on the new addition.

  • Heather in ND

    We are LOVING these posts!! You guys are doing wonderfully! I’m so happy for you guys and it’s awesome that we get to share this time with you!! Bean is going to be such a good brother!! Congrats again!

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    You are so lucky to have your parents around to help you guys out! Isn’t it amazing to think that Bean was once as small as Gracie? Now he really looks grown up! I’m wondering how your dogs are doing with a new little person in the house…

  • Sarah @ ExPat Bride

    This so touched my heart! I love sharing moments like these with my family. All my family live in Florida as well but I am moving to the UK to be with my Fiance’. I hope that doesn’t impact my family’s ability to come together at moments like this… sigh… if only we had all the money in the world right?

  • Emily

    This is so sweet! (Almost makes me want another baby….almost!) I’ve been reading your blog for a little while and have loved following your family’s journey…can’t wait to watch Gracie grow! Congrats on a beautiful and healthy girl!

  • Amy@ThingsINever

    Beautiful! What a wonderful way to welcome your daughter into your family.
    I do have to ask though- what’s up with all the green stickers? I’m in Australia and guests don’t have to be ‘tagged’, just curious 🙂

  • Maria

    Aww, I’m sitting here with happy tears. What a beautiful family! You are all so blessed! Y’all make some gorgeous babies! Congratulations!

  • Betty

    I cannot say congratulations enough! I love reading about all this, but I have to say, it is ALL Gracie’s fault that I am hitting up Matt for another baby. I blame her and her cuteness 🙂

  • Anna in Ohio

    Super big congrats to you and your family! Grace is absolutely beautiful and makes me want to immediately get pregnant with our #2…(our #1 is only 3 months old, see what you’re doing to my family?!?!lol)

    And, I certainly can’t be the only person who thinks that John Michael looks EXACTLY like Ryan Reynolds. What a lucky girl Ginny is! 🙂

  • Patty Ho

    Congratulations to you, Chris, Bean and the rest of the family on your newest addition. That first picture with Bean, your first baby, had me in tears. You all are very blessed.

  • Erin R.

    Yay for family!!! Both your newly expanded family of 4 and your entire extended family. I loved reading this post and seeing all the pictures. Congratulations to you all!!!! And I know everyone is telling you this, but Gracie is CUTE!! 😉

  • Lindsey

    This is an awesome post! And Katie (though I have never actually seen you in real life), you have never looked so beautiful! Hahaha, I know that is cheesey – but you are really just GLOWING in these pics! Happy DAY!

  • Nicole

    LOVE HER! She is simply gorgeous! Didn’t you say you got her a stuffed heartbeat animal like Beans? If you haven’t already thought of something cute (which knowing you, you probably already have!) for Bean to give Grace, I think that would be so sweet! He could help wrap it up or whatever and you can explain to him that he is giving her something like the one he has and it will most certainly be treasured by his sister! Just a thought!
    I love the green stickers your hospital uses to identify visitors! It looks like it takes their pictures and puts it on there? GENIUS!!! Every hospital should do that.

  • Dallas

    First off, congrats! I’m a new follower of your blog and this post was so sweet. Seeing a newborn reminds me of the first days with my little one. They grow so quickly (mine is almost 5 months now.) I particularly like your photo of Bean with his hands up and your mom holding the baby in the background and the group with party hats on. 🙂

  • Sam D.

    What a beauty! You are truly blessed to have awesome family so close! (But I think Grace & Bean do need some extra snuggles for all of your stranger-friends!)

    And in the last pic…. Where was Grace’s party hat? 😉

  • Amy

    Your family is so lovely 🙂 I loved hearing about Bean’s first meeting with Gracie, and that picture with the hands just melts my heart…

  • Tara@ourlifeinthedeepend

    Hmm wrote a comment but no clue where it went. This post pretty much made me cry happy tears! What a beautiful night and day with your new family! I was always told that because I have a very laid back first child my second will be rowdy etc. I hope Gracie proves that theory wrong! Then I will feel more confident in having a second child when the time comes. I am so happy your sister got to join you so quickly I know I missed my one sister who was not able to get to visit us till later.

  • Sarah

    I don’t even know you, but I am dying with excitement over little Gracie and your sweet family! How wonderful 🙂 Congrats! I hope you are getting some R and R at home – at least as much as one can with a toddler and a newborn 🙂

  • Donna

    Congratulations! I got a little teary while reading this post feeling your happiness! I look forward to future new baby posts.

  • Jamie

    What precious moments! I also got a little teary reading this post…it’s just so sweet. I love the pic with Bean squeezing his teddies ears while meeting grace…heehee. Congrats to your whole family:)

  • Emily Langston

    OH the first pictures of Bean looking at her made me cry! I have been so nervous about having a 2nd because my son and I are so close, but now that I see the love and wonder in Bean’s eyes I know it will all be ok.
    You have a precious family!!

  • Amber

    Not sure if its my pregnancy hormones or what but I cried through this whole post. I have been following your blog for a looooong time now and I feel like I know you guys. Congrats a million times. What a beautiful little family.

  • Rebecca

    One day…far down the road…when Brad and I get the nerve to have another baby, I’m going to come back and re read this post. It seems like you guys did a fantastic job introducing Bean to his little sister. So excited to read about how the next few weeks go…

  • Tressa

    Thank you Katie for sharing these precious memories with all of us! These pictures are worth a million words. Made me shed a few happy tears for you and your family. I see how happy Beanie is that Aunt Ginny is there! That smile shows it all! Also, shows how much Ginny wanted to be there with you too, getting there within 24 hours! Thats an awesome sister! I’m happy for you and I am thankful you live near family again!!

  • laurenbtrain

    Katie, please stop it with these posts. I am bawling – and at work – which is just awkward. I love every single picture and you look amazing. Gracie is so cute and even though I just had a baby, it makes me almost want another! (almost!)

  • Sara @ embrylovescookies

    Love the picture of you and Bean snuggling together. After my second was born early in the morning, my oldest (2 years old at the time) came to meet her new brother later that day. She had spent the night with grandma and skipped her nap. It was the first time she had been away from Mom and Dad all night. I was tired from being in labor all night and all morning. The first thing she did when she got to my hospital room was curl up in bed with me and we took a nap together. It was one of my favorite memories of that day. Thank you for reminding me of it. Hope you are getting some rest and enjoying your new family!

  • molly

    Oh, I am so happy for you, Katie! Gracie is precious and the photos of Bean meeting his sister for the first time bring back so many wonderful memories for me. Enjoy these first few weeks!

  • Michelle

    I’ve only discovered your blog this month and last week, I just finished reading all of your m.c. and growing bean archives. It has been so wonderful to read about your journey together, first as newlyweds and now as a family. So much of what you write about reminds me of my marriage to my husband and you remind me of myself a lot! We’re getting ready to start our own family in the next few months and reading about your experiences and lessons gives me hope and makes the idea of being a mommy less scary because it’s not so much of an unknown now.

    Congratulations on your little girl, Katie! I’ve always loved the name Grace (it was my great-grandmother’s name) and I hope she continues to help remind you that beautiful things can be born of difficult times through God’s grace.

    You have a beautiful family and a blessed life and I look forward to reading about your continued adventures!

  • Regina

    I am so happy for your family, Gracie is beautiful, and the photos of Bean meeting her are so precious. It is so nice for you guys having your family nearby to share in all of this with you! (Side note: your brother-in-law looks just like Ryan Reynolds!)

  • kelli

    Looks like the Pioneer Woman steered me straight when she recommended your blog! I was just where you are two years ago! Congrats! You almost make me yearn for #3! Almost. Wishing you sweet dreams (haha)!

  • Julie

    1. Yeay for a little red haired girl!
    2. Love Bean’s Owl shirt.
    3. Who is responsible for those hats? That last family picture needs to be blown up and hung on Gracie’s nursery wall. For sure. Make Chris do it today.

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