• Friendship Knows No Country

    A little over a year ago, Gracie’s bestest little buddy in her daycare class moved back to Italy.  Her dad was here working for two years, but when his contract was up, they…

  • Extra-Curricu-Grrrrr’s

    It’s that dreaded time of year when we all sign our kids up for extracurricular activities.  I’m a big fan of activities, as a whole.  I think they help build character in kids.…

  • Another School Year

    Oh, friends!  So much has happened while I have been away!  First of all, THIS happened this morning. (Ignore the years being wrong. I saved the file on my computer last year and…

  • Classroom Tour 2016-2017

    Imaginary friends, how I have missed you so!  I have been swept up in the back to school craze of pre-planning.  By the end of the day, my brain is shot, my feet…

  • Desperate Housewife

    At the beginning of the summer, I have grand visions of myself as a housewife.  I will deep clean every nook and cranny of our home.  Each closet will be meticulously scrutinized, de-cluttered,…

  • Hashtag Squad Goals

    My summer is quickly drawing to a close and I can feel it slipping away!  NOOOOOOO!!!!!  I have been back to work this week to work on getting the new year planned and…

  • The Master’s Plan

    I have very few regrets in my life.  Very, very few.  I believe that mistakes and missed opportunities in our pasts help shape and guide us into our futures.  Regrets are just part…

  • A Family Hero

    In my 8th grade language arts classes a few years ago, we used to write essays on the topic, “What defines a hero?”  Students spent all quarter studying all different types of heroes,…

  • A Toad Abode

    This past weekend, we made a super quick trip to our hometown of Pensacola, Florida, to celebrate the 80th birthday of Chris’s grandmother, Grandma Brown.  Grandma Brown has been in my life since…

  • My Keys to Happiness

    Last week at the gym, I tried listening to a podcast instead of music while I was running.  I didn’t like it.  I need the beat of the music.  But, the podcast I…