
  • My Neighborhood Library Box

    You guys. On Mother’s Day this year, Chris and the kids gave me the best gift EVER. For weeks, they had been secretly building me a neighborhood library box for our yard! Have…


    If you’ve been around here for any length of time or especially if you are one of my Instagram followers, then you know that I am an avid reader. I usually read in…

  • #MCreads Summer Edition

    Oh, man, kids.  I’ve been a reading machine this summer.  I usually check out three books a week and when I brought the last batch home, Chris asked me how I choose books.…

  • Happy 8th Birthday, Bean!

    Yesterday Bean Man turned 8 years old.  He was lucky this year and his birthday happened to fall on the first day of summer vacation, which was a coincidence that definitely needed to…

  • #MCreads Spring Edition

    I don’t know how it happens, but the busier I get, the more I tend to read. I think it’s because reading is a great way for me to settle a busy mind.…

  • Summer of Books

    This summer has been my official “Summer of Books.”  Last year, I really dragged my feet on reading.  I think the year was more focused on learning to balance having TWO kids with…