
  • Digital Friendships

    My two best friends are still my best friends from middle school. Aren’t I lucky? Christina and Sarah have been my ride-or-die for almost my entire life (give or take a few years…

  • WWJD: Summer Snack Trays

    I mentioned on Instagram the other day that I had a parenting mentor.  I tossed it out there jokingly, but the more I thought about it, the more it is absolutely true.  Jamie…

  • Girls Weekend Kick Off

    This afternoon I had a PTA board meeting and I had to tell them about the Box Tops Crisis of 2018.  Everyone was super nice about it and everything, but I still felt…

  • Hurricane Irma

    This past Sunday, Hurricane Irma hit Orlando with a vengeance.  Thankfully, we had enough time to prepare, but we weren’t exactly sure what we were preparing for.  We knew we were going to…

  • A Different Kind of Summer

    In the first few weeks of summer, I quickly realized that this summer would be… different.  For one thing, Bean and Gracie are starting to separate themselves from each other in some ways.…

  • Endings and Beginnings

    I always get nostalgic at the end of the school year.  For my own babies, it marks the passing of time and growth, which to a parent is bittersweet.  I’m so proud of…