Fun Things

  • A Different Kind of Summer

    In the first few weeks of summer, I quickly realized that this summer would be… different.  For one thing, Bean and Gracie are starting to separate themselves from each other in some ways.…

  • A Soggy, Slumber Party Birthday

    This weekend, we celebrated Bean’s birthday with a few of his friends.  He invited five friends over on Saturday night for pizza, a movie, and spending the night (well, except for his longtime…

  • Happy 8th Birthday, Bean!

    Yesterday Bean Man turned 8 years old.  He was lucky this year and his birthday happened to fall on the first day of summer vacation, which was a coincidence that definitely needed to…

  • Bulk-Order Lingerie

    Before I go into this saga, let’s lay some ground rules.  If you know me in real life, we will not speak of this information I am about to divulge.  However, a small…

  • Double Trouble

    The older kids get, the harder it is to keep a straight face when they are in trouble.  AmIright???? The other day, we were driving down the road and they were getting on…

  • Gracie is Six!

    On Saturday, Gracie turned SIX!  Holy moly!  Where has the time gone?! (Please notice that it is still dark outside in the picture below…) Gracie wanted a Moana birthday party, which I assumed…

  • Beeeeeeeee Happy

    Today was the coolest. Okay, wait.  Let me back up. About a year ago, my mom mentioned to all of us that she would like to start keeping bees.  Now, as random as…