What I've Learned
Moms and Dads
From the time Bean was born, he’s had a special connection with Chris. It’s a tight bond that the two of them share. Bean knows it. Chris knows it. I know it. When…
The Second Time Around
When I was pregnant with Bean, I collected baby paraphernalia. It was a hobby. If someone reviewed something, I’d go buy it so we could try it out, too. If I read about…
Don’t Mind Me. I’m Just the Mom.
(These pictures have nothing to do with the blog post today. I just took them last night and thought they were cute. The end.) So. You know how I feel about daycare. Bean’s…
The Lone Bean
This past weekend we went to a Gymboree birthday party for our tiny, little friend who turned one. The birthday girl wore tights and a tutu. Could my hormones surge a LITTLE more?…
What I’ve Learned: Water Activities Edition
What I’ve Learned is a series on MC that celebrates the small victories in parenthood. Every day I feel like I get better at being a mom and this series is where I…
What I’ve Learned: How To Have a Play Date
This post is part of my series called “What I’ve Learned.” In these posts I talk about areas of motherhood that I have learned recently. Not that I’ve mastered them, but that I’ve…
What I’ve Learned: Dust Bunnies Won’t Kill Him
This is part of a new series I’ve started here on Bean’s page called What I’ve Learned. Once a week I will be posting about a minor victory in motherhood that I’ve accomplished…
What I’ve Learned: Shopping with a Baby
Yesterday I was shopping in Target with Bean and I heard a child a few aisles over having a MAJOR breakdown. Bean himself was on the verge and it took some pretty fancy…
Things I’ve Learned
Today, Beanie is three months old. He’s officially an infant and not a newborn, but don’t tell that to my womb. It will make her feel so old. In three months…