Another Pinterest Project
Hi, my name is Katie and I am addicted to Pinterest. Ever since my obsession with Pinterest first began, I’ve had my eye on these particular bookshelves for Bean’s room. They are really…
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Back in March or April, Chris and I built a vegetable garden in our backyard. Well, Chris built it really. At the time I was almost eight months pregnant. Makes it hard…
Bellycast #2
Today I am home from work because it is 10 degrees outside and snowing. This is, clearly, too much for our Florida blood and so Chris and I both stayed home today.…
Ho, Ho, Humph
Christmas has officially arrived at Marriage Confessions. Can you see it snowing on my blog? I thought it was appropriate to make it snow online since it was snowing here most of today.…
And Now the Fun Must End
Yesterday was a great day. Sun shining. Children laughing. Hair cooperating. And then I came home and the skies opened up and rained on my parade. Waiting for me in my mailbox was…