The Cool House
You may have been wondering why I have been so sporatic in my postings lately. Well, I’ll tell you why. I have been so preoccupied with an incredibly important issue and…
To Perfume or Not to Perfume
Its fall. That means its time to change your shoes, put away your white (I don’t care what region of the country you live in, white is unacceptable after Labor Day…unless its…
My (recent) Life in Pictures
For several months now I have been without pictures. I lost the cord that connects my camera to my computer. I thought I’d take a few minutes to visually share some…
Can You Die From a Cold?
That is my question of the day. Can you die from a cold? And my answer today would be yes. Yes, you can die from a cold. And how…
Are You There, American Express? Its Me, Katie.
Yesterday I made the big girl decision to change my financial feeding frenzy by living by the 10 Commandments of Finanical Happiness. Commandment #1 read: Thou shall quit using thy American…
The Shacker
Last week an old friend from high school sent me a message through Facebook telling me that he was coming up to New Haven for a job interview and asking how Chris and…
Like Being Pecked to Death by Ducks
There are lots of things I love about being a new homeowner, namely anything that doesn’t cost me money. But sadly, those things are few and far between when you buy your…
How to Talk to an Irrational Person
Chris is the best at talking to irrational people. I think its because he’s had lots of practice. After all, we’ve been together almost 10 years. That is sort of…
School Days, School Days
Today is the first day of school for my neighborhood elementary school. As I drove to work this morning, I passed crowds of parents walking their kids to school. In front…
Suburban Wildlife: Da Funk of Da Skunk
Last night Chris and I went out to dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant. On our way home, he reminded me that it was trash night and asked if I would help…