Blogger-rific Week: Tuesday
I am continuing in my quest to promote blogs of people who read my blog. These are the top 5 blogs that I read almost on a daily basis. Other than being in the top 5, they are in no particular order. Here we go…
Today’s Blog ‘O the Day: Archives of Our Lives
Subject matter: A misplaced mid-Westerner living in Canada with her husband, Poor Kyle.
My favorite posting on this blog: Dentistry With a Side of Self Loathing
Why I love this blog: I think this blog’s author, Camille, is hysterical. Hysterical. One time I was drinking hot chocolate while reading about an adventure she had with her husband, Poor Kyle, and I laughed mid-sip and ended up snorting hot chocolate up my nose. There is a reason they call it HOT chocolate, and I do not advise drinking it while reading Camille’s blog. She can take normal everyday situations and make them incredibly funny. And she is positive and upbeat even when she’s frustrated and pissed off. And she’s incredibly honest (usually in areas that most people are least honest in). And she always posts pictures. And I love pictures. Check out Camille’s blog. Like me, I’m sure you’ll instantly wish she lived next door to you.
I give her props for posting photos of herself flossing–very brave!
I know! She cracks me up!
Oh, my goodness. You have made me feel guilty (now, I know that was not at all your intent :)) about not getting around the internet and reading more of other people’s things. I love the internet, and how it completely opens up the world.
Thank you for your contribution.
This is the nicest thing a person can do for me! Thank you so much for the awesome links and feedback. I am flattered to the max, seriously.
Most blogs I find through links from other people’s posts, but yours was different (wow, I sound like I’m writing a love letter now). Seriously though, I was so intrigued when I stumbled across yours from googling the cupcake truck; I had a blast getting to “know” you.
How awesome would it be if we really were next-door neighbors? PK and I would have couple-friends at last.
Anyway now I’m rambling, so I’ll end with a thank you. Thank you!