Blogging,  Marriage Confessions

Why You Be Like You Be?

Here’s the thing, people.   I think we’re at a crossroads in our relationship.   I feel like I’m giving and giving and giving and you’re just taking and taking and taking.   Everyday I pour my guts out on this blog and then I sit back and pluck my eyebrows while I wait for people to comment.   Well, let me tell you something.   My eyebrows are getting aw-fully thin, people.   Aw-fully thin.   And I ain’t seein’ no commentin’ going on here.

I sit in my BASEMENT for you, people.  My BASEMENT.
I sit in my BASEMENT for you, people. My BASEMENT.

I see my blog stats every day, people.   Every day.   The numbers don’t lie.   You people think you’ll just sneak on the site, point and laugh at me, and then run away unnoticed.   But I know, people!   I know!   I know you’re here!   What I don’t know is why you don’t comment!!

I’m giving you my best stuff, people!   My best stuff!   This is it!   I promise it doesn’t get any better than this from me.   WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME?!?!?   HOW MANY SECRETS TO I HAVE TO TELL YOU BEFORE YOU’LL BE MY FRIEND, DAMMIT??!?!?!

So, let’s handle this the adult way.   I’m going to pose a single question and provide you with a few different choices.   All you have to do is click on the choice that best describes you.   No pressure.   No judgment.   Its not even a real comment.   Its just the click of a button.   And if you have an answer that isn’t listed, then leave a comment and let me know.


[poll id=”2″]


  • Sarah

    I recently wrote a similar post on my blog! If you figure out why people visit and read but don’t comment, LET ME IN ON THE SECRET, PLEASE 🙂 I think your blog is great and have commented once or twice, but I usually just don’t take the time to comment on any of the blogs I read. I’ll try to do better!

  • Emily

    Aww, you’re so cute! I have the same complaints about people not commenting on my blog, but then I don’t comment very often on other people’s blogs – I guess I better clean up my act! For the record, I LOVE your blog and think you’re absolutely hilarious and always look forward to your updates. Keep up the good work!

  • Sarah H.

    Honestly, that’s the best sad face I’ve ever seen! Well I think people don’t comment because they’re either scared or lazy or can’t think of something good/nice/appropriate to say. I on the other hand typically never have those problems 🙂 Maybe because I don’t have a blog I don’t have an outlet for my thoughts? While all of those other blog writers do–so they don’t feel like they need to comment? Who knows. I wish you luck! This is my favorite blog I read AND I even got my sister and friends into it…and we talk about you at parties (in a good way) haha. Sending ::hugs:: so that you can put away your sad face!

  • Amy V

    I love, love, love your blog!! I always find your stories entertaining, the bean precious, and your humor delightful. I’m guilty of not commenting all of the time, but I have in the past!

    I promise to comment more. 🙂

  • Trish

    ok, I wanna hear what it was like to get back to work. I know how rough it is leaving the kiddo at daycare. I’ve been there and have the t shirt. BUT..have you gotten to the point yet that you’re realizing that you kind of enjoy that alone time in the car? I always felt that was MY time.

  • whitney

    In all honesty, you’re my favorite blogger. 🙂 We just relate on so many levels and I feel I “get you”. AND, you make me laugh with every paragraph. BUT, with a wee one in my hands most of the day, I do the majority of my blog reading on my phone, and it’s hard to leave comments with my phone. The only time I’m on my computer is when I’m making my own blog updates. I type so fast that I have smoke pouring from my hands, kind of like Jessie Spano when she was taking that very important test, and then Le Bebe cries and I have to tend to him before he bites my head off. But tonight, I’m on the computer, Husby has Le Bebe, and I am leaving you a novel for a comment. All this to say, we love you….we REALLY love you!

  • Camille

    I already told you my pathetic excuse—Google Reader.

    And have I not repented enough?

    p.s. I seriously was reading the last bit of this post like a gangster. It was delightful. More gangster talk, please. : )

  • All My Monkeys

    I’ll admit it. I’m a blog lurker. But “I don’t got nothin’ to say.” Plus I have 4 kids under 6, so I’m lucky I get to read at all. I know how you feel though. No one EVER leaves a comment on my blog, and I think I have at least 20 regular readers.

  • Dana

    I just found your blog the other day. And I have not commented because I am still “getting to know you,” by checking out your archives. BUT since you are in need of comments, I thought I would jump right in.

    It is good stuff, I agree. And I added you to my list so I can know as soon as you update.

    I promise not to lurk in the future. . .;>)

  • Laura

    I LOVE your blog! It’s actually the only one I read regularly. I have it on my rss reader (as well as The Bean and The Man Cave) so I come here as soon as I notice you’ve posted a new blog. However, after reading it, I usually find that it’s so good that there’s nothing I could possibly write that would be worthy of sharing the same internet space. So… maybe tone down the awesomeness of your blogs a bit and I’ll comment more (actually I’d probably just cry more).

  • Mandy

    I, too, blame Google Reader. And since we’re blaming the reader. . .

    Lately I’ve noticed that it hasn’t been updating all of your posts–only the Marriage Confessions ones. None of the posts under The Bean section of your blog are updating on my reader. Could be a glitch. Is anyone else having this problem?

  • colleen

    I’m just a slacker. I love reading your blogs, sometimes I email you vs. post comments but I should post comments… You’re right… I’m SORRY… thanks for calling me out. Gosh, you often have so many comments I assume you don’t want/need one more.

    I’m pickin’ up what your putting down. You pour your heart out. AND your consistency, even with your return to work, is impressive. Thank you for that. And for the lovely pictures.

    Ok, so from now on, more comments. I hear ya loud and clear Mama! Thanks for the subtle hint…

  • Meria

    Your blog is pretty amazing. It’s a great laugh, and you have a really cute baby, but mostly because what you have to say really makes me think about what I want in life and love. So thanks for spilling your life out… I always look forward to your new posts! I’ve never commented before, and I’m not sure I ever will again, I never have much to say. But I thought I should let you know how much you rock!

  • Katrina

    I think we all have the same problem… I am trying to be better about commenting, but keeping up with all the blogs is a challenge. I do read them through reader, too, which makes it a little harder. =) I’ll try to do better!

  • Sarah

    I blame my RSS feed reader. I also don’t know what to say sometimes that won’t sound stupid. I mean, letting you know that the Daily Bean is the highlight of my fiance’s day sounds weird, but it’s the truth. (He loves Beanie so much that he’ll ask me “So, what’s new with the Bean today?” and “How’s Beanie’s mom and dad?” Your son has a fanboy!)

    Besides that, I mostly just read it, ruminate, and by the time I have a response that isn’t all philosophical and way too deep for the internets, the moment has passed. But I really really agree with and comisserate with you on your relationship stuff and, in the words of my fiance: “Bean’s mom is a really good writer and she’s REALLY funny.” 🙂

  • Jordan

    I have similar feelings about my blog- I see all these hits, and then I run into family and friends who will talk about my blog posts, but I never knew they read it because they’ve never commented!

    It’s also funny that you mention this because I enjoy commenting on your blog- but often feel like I’m saying stupid things, such as always bringing it back to me, instead of actually commenting on you. Just like I did in this comment too. Sigh. Maybe I’m too self centered…

  • holly

    oh sweet darling, i will repent, i swear it!
    here is the thing…
    i am a private blogger (long story there, but i seriously hate being a private blogger- i am SO not private)
    and so when i comment i know that you have no way of checking and enjoying MY blog, and it bugs me.
    i just throw out comments at random and then i never know if they mean anything… and i can never develop a friendship with you. i am constantly a stalker because you cant stalk me back and it sucks big time.
    but trust me- i read every entry. and not just to myself. I READ THEM TO MY HUSBAND. and we both love you and think you are brilliant.
    so, my apologies for hurting your feelings… by all means, i LIVE by comments… so i should return the fave to my fave blogger… no joke I LOVE YOUR BLOG. you rock. times fifty. million.

  • Kristen

    I voted for I like pizza, Steve. Which is true, I do love my pizza, just had me some deep dish Chicago style not three days ago…..anywhoo. I often don’t comment because I often feel I don’t have much to add to the conversation. I’m in my twenties but I’m not that ahead of the game as you are (don’t have much of anything resembling a career, not even remotely close to getting married and until I get those two things, no kids on the horizon either) However I do enjoy reading your blog and I thank you letting me get to read about it nearly everyday. I appreciate it : )

  • Sandy

    My mama told me if I didn €™t have nothin €™ nice to say then don €™t say nothin €™ at all! JUST KIDDING!!! I do comment on occasion, but I am shy and bashful and you seem all easy and outgoing €¦it can be quiet intimidating. I love your blog €¦LOVE your Bean €¦so don €™t stop doing what you are doing because you are doing it right. (No, I don €™t drink, why do you ask? ;- )

  • Sue V.

    I am new to reading blogs. It all started with Facebook (just joined that in January) Friends introduced me to PW’s site. I found you through her comment section. I love to read others comments. I do comment occasionally. To be perfectly honest, because you do have so few comments, I am self conscious about commenting. I know my comments are more likely to be read by others instead of being overlooked in a mass of comments. This really doesn’t help, I know. I love your blog, and as a SAHM it is very interesting to get a back to work Moms view on parenthood. I love that you speak openly about the effort that goes into a marriage. I visit you site first thing each morning (even before PW’s)

  • Jenn

    I haven’t commented cos I’m INSANELY JEALOUS of how well your Beanie sleeps and how you’ve managed to get him into a lovely routine. My wee one WILL NOT comply with my idea of a nice daytime routine and a nice all-night sleep. Seriously – I’ve read all the books, tried all the techniques..Actually she has bad excema and I think that’s why she wakes heaps but the SLEEP DEPRIVATION makes me HATE anyone that gets more sleep than I do. Sound crazy…that’s cos I am!!
    But yes, like all the above readers, I love your blog, and Bean is gorgeous.

  • Jeff & Julie

    You want a Comment. You want A COMMENT. FINE, your getting a comment. We love your blog. We love your humor and your thoughts. You inspire us to be happy with ourselves. We love your baby, heck it makes us want to have one. We will do better to post a comment; becuase “frankly Scarlet” we do give a #$%@!. So keep us laughing and crying and we will do better at commenting. JH^2

  • Jamie

    I love your site but never have commented on another person’s blog before. I can’t even get people to read my blog. Maybe that is because I can never think of anything to post. Its a brutal cycle. I love how you aren’t afraid to show a marriage how it really is. I am not married, but it is a very important goal to me. Thanks for telling it all, good and bad.

  • Miss M!

    Hey lady! You don’t comment on my blog. Tit for tat, lady, tit for tat.

    LOL – just kidding. I don’t comment a lot because usually it’s just “OMG ME TOO!!!” and really, that’s not contributing a whole lot to the situation. I also read on Google reader, so that doesn’t help matters, as I am lazy.

  • 12ontheinside

    I rarely comment because I read from work. in google reader, which comes up as a harmless entry by the evil reporting tools that ruin my browsing. If I come to your site to comment, it shows up in the report as me wasting time reading blogs!

  • Carla

    Ok, here I am writing a comment…

    Hi! I’m a 31 year old portuguese woman, and the mother of a 19 month toddler.
    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months and I love it.
    I don’t have my own blog, maybe one day I’ll start one…
    Anyway, promise I’ll give you some feedback from now on.

  • Diana

    Sorry Katie!! I have never commented either… too shy I guess! And the Google Reader thing too. When will they ever wise up and include the commenting feature? (btw, Mandy: I had the same problem with the Bean blog, so I listed it as a separate blog on the reader, and now it finds it and doubles the fun!)

    It always amazes me that you are my age and have it so together! House, cute chubby baby, etc, – but somehow I love and admire you for it and am not all green with envy about it. 🙂

    (ahem … Shout-out to my sister Laura and her little buster, James!)

  • Zoe

    I usually don’t comment because I feel like I won’t be adding anything useful and/or what I say might sound silly. I really do love all your posts though!!!

  • Chloe

    In fact, I don’t comment because 1) I’m shy 2)I think people are going to laugh at what I think or say, 3) because I’m not as cool as you are…
    But if you don’t mind I’m so uncool, I’ll leave you more comments. I promise. Because I know what it is to write a good post and wait and wait and people don’t comment… Frustrating…
    So here you have a long comment from me! 🙂


  • Kristin

    Ha-ha! Thanks for having one of the options from “Multiplicity.” #4 was my favorite of the clones.

    Honestly, I get a little shy about it. You’re like a celebrity and I don’t want to say anything stupid! : )

  • Mandy

    Confession: I’m a Google Reader reader.

    Also, commenting is intimidating sometimes. I’m an insecure blogger (I like to blog, but I’m not very good at it), and when I leave comments, sometimes people read them and then go look at my blog. For the average person, this is great! But for me, I’m seeing them come from sites where I’ve left a comment and thinking “Oh crap… they came from Katie’s blog… they’re gonna be bored to tears with my blog…”

  • Jasmine

    I am also a Google Reader reader, so I had to vote pizza.

    I should definitely be commenting more because a. I love your blog and b. I’d LOVE people to comment on my own blog. It’s a much smaller, and less interesting, affair than yours, but it’s still nice to feel some love.

  • Leeny

    You drew me out. Let me tell you I adore your blog, dahling. WE love your blog, actually, Hubbalicious was just telling me yesterday afternoon that I’d be getting my 10 second kiss later 😉 That entry rocked – and it hooked him, he was laughing and making bird noises the rest of the night. Probably thinking he’d rather have you as his wife. Whatev. Anyway, I’m yet another one who’s going to blame shyness, but you are at the top of my iGoogle page, but you/the Man Cave and Beanie’s are the top three modules, above my gmail and Reuters, for Pete’s sake.

    So while I don’t have the attention span to be a blogger or read any other blogs but yours, I do know what it’s like to be on message boards and put together a great post or reply and be left thinking that people must have rocks in their head to not to catch the humor or appreciate how little fluff I put out there 😉

    I’m really let down when I see you haven’t written anything new, it makes me want to go yell at the kids. So save them and keep up the good work.

  • jocelyn

    Hi! I have to agree with some peeps in that this is my favorite blog. I might have commented one or two times, when I really had things to say, but usually, I am too lazy or have nothing to say other than… I just laughed out loud at work. If you get any funnier I might get caught :). I can so relate to you when talking about hubby. We have not had a baby yet, but when I do, I might be more inclined to post just to give you the thrid degree, since you tell it like it is. I appreciate that it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies over here all the time. PS: The poll didn’t show for me, I mean I saw where to take it, I just could not view it.

  • Lyndsey

    I generally don’t comment on blogs often because I rarely have something original to say. After the first 5-10 comments, usually the remainder (even if there is 200) are along the lines of “i agree” which just doesn’t seem worth the space. Plus, realize that you write a largely humorous blog. You aren’t asking our advice or pouring out your heart in a way that makes people feel like we need to show you you’re not alone (I’m thinking of posts where people are concerned about weight/health/etc problems). When I read funny blogs, it’s more about just reading them and knowing that you’ll see I was here via stats 🙂

  • Noelle

    Well, I’ve been reading your blog everyday for over a year now. I don’t think I’ve ever commented. I guess I feel like if I start chiming in on here after all of this time you would be like, “Who’s this chick?” But, I seriously love your blog. Even though I don’t have any children yet, I was on pins and needles waiting for the birth of the Bean. I like to think that if we did live in the same town, or state for that matter, that you and Chris would come over and have dinner parties with my husband and I. So, in other words, keep the great blogs coming!

  • andrea

    i do comment but probably not as much as you would like, heck it’s not as much as i would like! for the multiple choice answer i’ll pick – i just don’t have anything to say. as a real reason – i feel like i’m boring you when i do comment. since my day consists of my son and waiting on my new one to be born that’s all i have to talk about!

    i love reading your updates about the bean and the blogs you post but i feel that nobody gives a poop about what is going on on my end of the internet, which is why i’ve never started my own blog, i just have my family website which is mostly pictures. that and i usually feel like if i have something to write about it’s because i’m complaining and i hate complaining. i’ve been thinking lately about trying it though…the blog, not the complaining 🙂

    i will try to comment more, even if only to say HI!

  • Kathy

    Okay, here’s my (third) comment, telling you why I read your blog: 1) I love your little family, and everybody in it. 2) Beanie was born about a month before my second grandchild, and I enjoyed your pregnancy as if you were my own daughter. 3) You have red hair, two of my kids have red hair, and that makes me like you even more. It’s the truth. 4) You’re funny as hell, and it makes me laugh.
    Besides all that, I really don’t have much to say that’s important, but it’s probably rude not to have told you the above things. Keep on writing. I love reading. Love ya.

  • Ilana

    How’s this? You’re the first link on my favorites list! I bet if you made the comments anon instead of name/email required you’d get more comments 🙂

  • Silvia

    I love your blog so much that I read it out loud to my husband most days. I am however, afflicted with the laziness that comes via google reader. If I could comment through google reader, I probably would.

  • Heather

    I do try to comment, especially about the bean bc my daughter is about 4 months older than the bean (my first) and we have gone through so much of the same things – but i’ve recovered from the lack of sleep at this point so its really funny. i absolutely love the your bean dialogues.

  • Jessica

    haha… I’ve thought about commenting but feel so dumb talking to someone I only know via “spying” into her life. It makes me feel like a creep. But I do like your blog and often talk about it to another friend who follows it as well.. and you inspired me to start a blog. I’m working on layout now and in my first post already reference you… and i promise i’m not a creep. just like to laugh while at work 🙂

  • Daphne

    Looks like your request worked, Katie! 🙂

    Two thoughts. FIrst, commenting is a community effort, so the more someone comments on other people’s blogs, the more those people will come back and comment on yours. At least, that’s my theory. I haven’t seen it work yet on mine.

    Second, for those who are shy or don’t have anything worth saying, keep in mind that many bloggers put themselves out there partially for validation or to know that someone else understands them. I know I do. So simply saying that you listened or read a post can make all the difference. Don’t get intimidated trying to say something witty. Just say hi.

    Thanks for letting me add to your plea, Katie! I love your blog!

  • Emily

    Hello! I love your site and I read all the time… But, here’s the truth…. I usually stop commenting on a site if my comments or questions I pose are not responded to. If I recall correctly, that’s why I stopped commenting. There are only a few sites I comment on becuase I usually get something back from the writer, have a little dialogue, ya know. I have noticed that those blogs that do respond always get a lot of commenters. Just a thought!

  • Amanda Smith


    I love your site I just don’t comment often since I usually sneak a read while I am at work. I work full-time, attend college full-time (finally decided to finish and then when I get home I am wife to my husband and mommy to my 1 year old so it is rare for me to turn on my computer at home.

    I don’t maintain a blog like I want to but I think if I add one more thing to my schedule that isn’t “me time” I will go nutty.

    Thanks for sharing with us. I will try to be better about commenting

  • Iggy

    Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m a voyer (did I spell that right?) I quietly peek into other peoples lives, laugh or cry, and go about my day. I do this for validation that my life isn’t quite as whacked out as I sometimes think it is. I don’t have a blog and never expect a response back when I do write, which isn’t often.
    I keep coming back to your blog because the first time I ever visited, you were going off about Chris and I’d swear I was listening to myself and totally cracking up! Granted, that was during your pregnant era and I wasn’t pregnant – hmmmm, wonder if that means I’m just always hormonal?
    Then the Bean came along and your conversations with him are beyond wonderful. I laugh all the time here so it’s a “total pick up my spirits first thing in the morning place to go”!
    I’ll try and be a better voyer and comment more often, but I want you to know, I’m only doing it for your blog!

  • Rachel

    I am going to use the google reader excuse too…

    I also seem to end up commenting more on blogs where the authors have written on my blog. Naughty I know, but when I don’t get any reponses from my comments I worry that I’m just talking drivel!

    I love your blog so much though so promise to comment more!

  • Gerri

    I found you thru the pioneer woman. I love your posts! I just normally don’t comment on blogs. Keep up the awesome stories, please, because you are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Purple

    I’m not married, not even a mommy so I think I have no business doin’ commentin’. But I love fine writin’ so I come here. ha. win them over with flattery anytime. Now you will never ever complain if you see my IP hits all over your website.

    completely harmless random reader.

  • Iggy

    Voyeur – see, I can’t comment because my spelling SUCKS! I knew there was a (U) in there someplace but not sure where to put it. I know, learn how to use spell check before pushing submit!
    I just read everyone elses comments and yes, being a voueur is kind of creepy so I will now be a participant! Yeesh! I’m feeling better already. : )

  • Christina

    For some reason I can’t view the poll questions. I will have to try back later. I read your blog daily… ummm at work. SHHHHHHH! Dont’ tell anyone. I love reading blogs and I keep telling myself that I am going to update my own blog more regularly, but then I don’t. I will comment more and work on updating my site more often too. Stop by my site. Soon I will be putting up my engagement photos. I just got married on Saturday!! I am a WIFE! Woo Hoo! Love pictures of the Bean, he is adorable!

  • Jennifer

    HA! I like pizza, Steve.

    Multiplicity, good movie. Brought back memories there.

    Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don’t. Depends on how busy I am at work. Lately…very busy. But I do love your site. :o)

    Do I get a cookie?

  • Julie

    Hi, I really enjoy checking in daily and am guilty of sneaking in and sneaking out without the your sense of humor. Julie

  • Beth Dugan

    You crack me up – you are one of the first blogs I look to every day. I have been there and done this and that – just like you – only with girls – who are now 15 and 10. I want to pull my hair out each day – and each day I come to read your blog you just crack me up and make me realize there really is more good than bad. Like when Beanie said “That’s a pisser!” Love you, love the blog! Keep up the awesome work!

  • Deb

    Could you have a LMAO button and a ‘I feel ya’ button after every post? It feels a little funny to make the same comments over and over again. But I do lmao and relate to what you’re saying 99% of the time (the other 1% is b/c I’m not a mother…but I love to hear about it). Keep up the awesome writing, Katie!

  • Amanda

    Even though I have my own blog now, and I LOVE when I receive comments, I always think “no one wants to hear my comments on their blog” so I don’t. It’s that whole…I’m not good enough to talk to the cool people complex. I also am afraid of looking like an idiot or weirdo. (though, this comment may have just done that) I have commented before, and I will make sure I do so again. Your blog is such a bright spot in my day. Sometimes I feel like you’re echoing my thoughts on my hubby or 7 month old. Keep up the good work!!!

  • Miriam

    I’m not so good at the commenting thing. I just never feel like I have anything worthwhile to say. Lurking is so much easier.

    That being said, I’ll try to comment more often. Even if it’s just a Lol 🙂

  • annette

    i feel you on this one. I almost stopped my blog last week b/c no one was commenting. it’s like i’m talking to myself! but then i got a comment. granted, it was from my sister, but i’m still new to this.

  • Mike

    I just used the “I like pizza, Steve” quote yesterday.

    I comment all the time but it’s always to my wife or my friends but rarely on your website. I’ll try and do better. I’m sorry.

  • Tressa

    I read every day. LOVE your blog. LOVE reading about Beanie and your marriage. I never comment because I do not have a blog myself. Never thought about how it felt when I read but didn’t comment until this post. I’m sorry. I will continue reading, but with comments to follow!
    Keep up the great posts! You are awesome with an awesome family!
    God Bless you all,

  • Tressa

    BTW….while we are commenting….your last post about your sister….AWESOME! That first picture…absolutely beautiful sisters. You two look so much a like. I hope she feels equally blessed to have you as a sister!!

  • Brittany Escuriex

    Truth be told, I absolutely love your site! I read it every day, and sometimes check back throughout the day to see if there’s anything new.
    Why don’t I comment? It’s weird, but since I went to school with you and Chris, but haven’t seen either of you in, let’s say 10 years, I almost feel like some dork trying to be friends with someone I only kinda know. I almost thought you might see my comment and think, “really, she’s commenting? i don’t even really know her, i just remember her from some random drama party at chris’s dad’s house”.
    so, i’ll comment from now on, at your request!

  • Jen

    Hi Katie-
    This is the first blog I read every morning once I get to work. I love it. I love the sometimes evil little ways of a fellow red-head and then the bean well he keeps my ovaries jumping. I love your blog.

  • Shelley

    Hi Katie,

    I would comment but you’re so damn funny, I’m afraid my comments won’t be nearly as funny as your posts. You have a wonderful sense of humor and I find myself getting up in the morning and going straight here to see what you’ve written about while I was sleeping or since I’d last checked…Okay, so I come here more than once a day incase you’ve written something during the day. Face it darling, you’re hysterical, your stories are priceless and that Beanie of yours is precious!!!

  • Maggie

    I LURV this blog and I visit every day. However, I have only commented a couple times. I really appreciate what Daphne said about bloggers needing validation or the knowledge that someone out there is reading, and it is my resolution to let you know more that I read this blog often and love what I read.
    I also completely understand what Brittany means about feeling a little like a weirdo for not knowing you in real life, but reading your blog. The truth for me is that I found you through a mutual friend’s blog, but I don’t remember who, and when I saw pics of another mutual friend on your blog, I felt a little creepy–like I was internet stalking. That translated for me to not commenting much.
    Even though Myspace is pretty much going the way of Compuserv or AOL-in that only old people are using it because it’s what they’re used to and they refuse to give up what they are familiar with (even though better systems are out there, like Facebook), I really liked the “Kudos” feature on the Myspace blogging system. You could let people know you liked their blog without having to make a comment. And the blogger could know who left “kudos.”
    I’d leave you lots of “kudos.”

  • Jen W.

    I am guilty as charged! I do read your blog daily, and I never comment! I LOVE your blog! You are a funny girl, and the bean is the cutest!! I think I felt a little stalker-esque because I just stummbled onto your blog from another blog…and I just didn’t know if I should comment or not! So….from now on, I vow, that I will not be the stalker that doesn’t comment! 🙂

  • Marissa

    I don’t usually comment either. I do have a list of blogs I read daily and you’re one of them. You’re funny and love to watch the Bean. I have a 9 year old blond boy (see reason I don’t comment – I always add details about myself that I’m sure you could care less about and most times bloggers could give a crap less that I have a child.)

  • dave

    I read your post everyday. Your posts are cute, funny, very very very well written and light natured. Reading them doesn’t cause me anguish like those other news sites and blogs do. I’ve limited visiting those by the way. Some of them have spoiled my mood for days.
    In a way your blogs are good for health.
    Since many of the posts are chick-flicks, I haven’t been commenting. I’ll try to cheer for you from now on.

  • Natalie

    I absolutely love your blog, but I’ll be honest…Google Reader is the reason I suck at commenting! All of my blogs are compiled in a pretty new place and they even have a “next item” button. So, as I’m scrolling through my blogs, the comment boxes don’t come up unless you click on the actual post, which opens up a new window (ghasp!). I’ll try to do better, but I know there are a lot of google reader people out there…so for all of us, we’re sorry! As for myself, I’ll try to open that extra window for you…and the bean 🙂

  • Sarah

    I read your blog everyday – coffee, news, and confessions – it gets me going in the morning. You crack me up, the bean is beyond cute, and Chris is JUST like my Hubs (except his man cave is in the basement). It just never really dawned on me that you would give a hoot what some chick in MT thought about your stories. Now I know and I will do better!

  • GoldenTouch


    OK – I don’t comment because…well I always assume you have tons of commenters I guess. I feel bad. Even if I do a post that gets a lot of comms I always am open to wanting more.

    I will comment from now on. Accept my apologies!

    Your baby is cute too.

    😀 xx

  • Pam

    I lurv the site, Katie! Really! I sneak a peek while at work and LOL and then the boss gets suspicious (I share an office with him) and I have to close the window before he comes to investigate. I love your stories and it validates that I’m not the only one who gets irritated with the silly stuff that husbands do. The Man Cave…yard envy…comments about weight gain (although I didn’t have a pregnancy to blame). I love it..visit all the time…please DON’T go away! xoxoxox!

  • Katherine

    Google Reader offender too – some blogs I read post only a portion of their blog on Reader, but then I am afraid to do that because I would hate to have to click through all the time, so what would my (few so far) readers think? Would they read less? Or would they click through and comment? Rock and a hard place, I tell ya!

  • Kate

    I, too, love lurking on your blog. As I’ve started my own blog now, I’ve started commenting (a few times!) because I realize how NICE it is to get a comment. Like Christmas morning 🙂

  • Jessica

    And also I work outside your office door and have to maintain Professional Distance by not commenting on your personal blog or twitter feed… or something. Also the ‘scared of you’ part. 😀
    But your blog rocks and I totally read it all the time. Thank you for being awesome.
    -your coworker

  • BFF, Em-ly

    I’ve been slacking in the comment department, it’s true. But here’s the thing: I feel it’s my duty to leave a clever comment full of brilliance and wit, or else it’s just not worth reading. And sometimes (okay most) when I read your blog, it’s before my morning coffee, before the sleep crust in my eyes has worn off and occassionally before last night’s wine has fully made it through my system. Which you’d think would make for a spicier comment, but that usually just means garbled letters and a few numbers. . .

  • Megan

    I read every day, and I told my husband if we lived in the same state as y’all I think we could all be friends. That makes me feel a little stalkerish, but it’s true! I’ve told several people about your blog, and it’s opened my eyes to the fact that some of the things I worry about in my 3 yr marriage are totally normal. I hope that when we start a family we’re as good as you and Chris at parenting. You two definitely appear to have it together, and Beanie is as cute as they come! :o)

  • Heidi

    Sorry! I am a sneaky reader…and am ashamed! :o) I love your website and promise to make more of an effort. Do not make sad faces anymore!

  • Sarah H.

    I second—add a “LMAO” and a “I feel ya” button for us to click after the posts. Think of it like hitting “like” on facebook. 🙂

  • naomi

    man I feel totally bad. I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve been this peeping-tom because of my lack of comments.
    But really I’m not.
    I like your blog.
    You’re funny.
    Like I have you avoid reading your blog at work because I’ll laugh out loud funny.
    So here’s my comment. And a little introduction of myself to you so I don’t feel like a peeping tom anymore.

    I’m Naomi, 24, married, live in Ontario, Admin Assistant at a youth organization called Youth Unlimited.

    I recently graduated from a university in Toronto with a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies.

    No kids, but we want em. No pets, we’d kill em. Plants yes, but barely surviving.

    I like scrapbooking
    The whole state of Arizona
    and I am learning the art/tourture of cooking
    Oh, and I loathe laundry too – but I love having clothes hanging on the line. {so simple, so pretty}

    I also love these blogs:
    The Pioneer Woman
    My Beautiful Mess

    And I have my own blog:

    There, I think I’ve managed to purge my soul of the guilt I you inflicted upon me for not ever commenting but peering into your life so selfishly. Or must I do more to earn my way out of your purgatory? {laugh}

  • Nancy

    Ok, I’ve been reading you for several months and I love your blog. I don’t comment for a couple of reasons:
    First, I see myself from 20-25 years ago in all of your blog posts and figure you don’t really need my suggestions. I loved those years when I had babies and small children and just like to see your stories.

    Second, and this one is harder. If I were a frequent commenter, ALL of my comments would be. . DON’T GO BACK TO WORK! STAY HOME WITH BEANIE! Reading your posts about having to go back to work and taking him to daycare took me back to the very worst time of my life. I can’t remember anything harder before or since that time as having to take my kids to daycare and go to work every day. Yeah, I know about the money thing, etc. Everyone has that. And I regret to this day that I didn’t find a way to figure out how to stay home with them until they at least started school .. or longer! I was married, had a husband with a decent job . . I SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME WITH THEM!!

    I really hope that you can figure out a way to make that happen.

  • Kelley Kelley Bo Belly


    I love, love, Love your blog. I don’t comment, well because I just don’t. I’ll be sure to give more love in the future. After all, this SHOULD be a mutually beneficial relationship. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

    I love pictures of your Little Beanie. I want to kiss his chubby, adorable little cheeks. I hope the babies of all my pregnant BFF’s are as cute as him. I love the pictures/convos you post with the Beanie. Adorable!

    And finally, I like pizza too Steve. BBQ chicken pizza. 🙂

    Faithful reader, Kelley

  • the inadvertent farmer

    You know your face might freeze that way! When bean is two he will give you that exact same look…and you will melt and give in, betcha will!

    BTW…Nancy’s advise is wise, I am old too and have lived long enough to know. I have known many, many mom’s over the years. I have heard soooo many say how sorry they were for not staying home with their kids when they were little, I have never, ever heard one say she regretted staying home, not one. You can never in your young life imagine how fast your precious little boy’s childhood will pass, just yesterday my big ones were in diapers, now they are in college…sob, sniffle…sigh.

    Oh yeah, I’m 44, have 5 kids ages 23 to 2, yes same husband. We live on a small farm in Washington, raise organic fruits, veggies, critters, kids…and of course the camel! Love peeking in on your life. Kim

  • Casey

    I just recently started reading your blog but I try to comment often, but sometimes I just have nothing interesting to say, not that my comments are all that interesting.

  • Alex

    I confess – I’m a taker! I don’t have my own blog (though I spend a chunk of my work day looking at other people’s blogs), so I guess I don’t fully understand the validation of commenting. Also, your posts are always so well-written & complete that I don’t feel like I have anything to add.

    Your blog really is one of my favorites! Your writing is entertaining, and intelligent while being totally relateable.

  • Lindsay

    Oh dear, sorry to offend. I just recently stumbled upon your blog and was instantly hooked. My daughter was born 1 day before the Bean and I can’t tell you how often I’ve read your daily post and thought “omg, me too!” I feel we are living parellel lives right now (though I have another few weeks until I go back to work and therefore have enjoyed hearing how you are adjusting). Keep writing and I promise to start commenting!

  • Shelly

    Oh, for God’s sake, stop whining. LOL

    I’m a grandmother whose grandchild is out of state and I love seeing the Bean.

    You are pretty darn funny yourself. Okay, happy now?

  • Kate

    Even though I’m not commenting I look for new updates pretty much daily – they give my afternoons & sometimes my mornings a nice little warm fuzzy moment. You are great – keep it going. 🙂

  • Sarah C. H.

    Aww, I’m sorry for not commenting more.

    I think I feel creepy for knowing so much about you and your small child. I’m addicted to this blog. Haha. I promise to correct my error in the future and proceed to comment.

  • Andie

    Yeah I agree with the person above! I feel creepy knowing a lot about someone I never met, haha. You’re funny and I love your writing so that is why I read it. Plus you make marriage seem fun and am looking forward to it so much 😀

    Thanks for sharing your life with us “creepy” people, heh.

  • Aiko

    I have to say that I love your website. We are at different points in our lives. I have 2 girls ages 5 and 7. I am approaching 9 years of marriage. I really learn alot about being a better mother and wife from your blog. I am realizing that I have been so caught up in the drudgery of working, going to school and raising a family that I don’t appreciate the more important things in life. Usually I am tallying all the times that my husband has not helped me out at home and becoming increasingly irate. Yesterday, I noticed that every morning he makes me a cup of coffee to go, with the right amount of sweetness and cream in it before I go to work. This is despite the fact that he has to be at work very, very early in the morning about 6 am.
    Reading about the Bean has made me realize how much my girls have grown and that time is going so quickly. My babies are not my babies anymore… (sigh.. sniffle).
    I have never commented because you are an extremely witty writer and I don’t feel like I have anything equally as witty or insightful to write about. Does that make sense? I especially enjoyed the coupon episode in the parking lot and the birds and the bees posting. I even made my husband read the birds and the bees one. Thank you so much for keeping us posted on your life!

  • Janet

    I just buzzed over here from PW’s site so I’m new here. I think I last visited before Bean was born. So I’m on the fringes, seeing what’s here and what’s cool, kinda hangin’ out, getting the feel of the place. Love Bean’s conversations.

  • Jess

    First time commenter long time reader… well not long time but for a few months now. =P I LOVE your blog. It even encouraged me to start my own! Please don’t stop sharing your dirty lil secrets!!!

  • Breanne

    You know what? I think you’re hilarious! And endearing. AND great! I don’t leave comments because I’m unqualified. Who am I to say anything about a blog?! I don’t even have my own blog…I just go around creeping on other people’s. I’m a blog creeper. And I if I were to start leaving messages on people’s blogs whenever I visit, they will find out my true blog creepin’ identity.

  • Alexis Byrd Knox


    FAB-U-LOUS blog. I mean, great use of sarcasm, truth, a little more sarcasim, and the best stories – eva. (Espeically the ones about Ginny! wink:wink!… although i’ve got to get ahold of her, it’s been WAY too long. Damn ‘engaged people,’ they are always sooo busy — wink wink). Anyway, you’re SO blog-tastic that i’ve given your URL to friends (WHO I KNOW ARE BLOG STALKING YOU.. SPEAK UP LAUREN B and JENNN D – hahah!).. and they have given it to their friends. So it’s probably my fault! 😉 Continued success with the blog-er-roo-sky. It’s a highlight in my LONNGGG never-ending work days. Keep on keepin’ on.

    PS: Have you seen the magazine Artful Blogging? ( A friend gave me a copy, and after I quickly read the entire thing I thought of you.. it’s pretty great! I think it’s something you’d totally love. I’m happy to share it with you when i’m done if you send me your address.

  • Lauren

    Well, since I’ve been called out by Mrs. Knox, let me just say again, as I’ve previously commented, that I LOVE your blog.

    P.S. Bean is pretty darn cute!

  • Jen D

    Alexis is right….Its true, I stalk, I read, I LAUGH, I share your blog but dont comment. Its basically amazing and I love your posts. I was sorority sisters with Ginny and have loved reading all of the post UF gossip plus I just had a baby in December (24th…poor guy!) and I LOVE reading your posts on the Bean. Every time all I can do is think, oh my gosh ______ happened to us also! Great blog! Great humor! Great truth! Keep it coming!

  • Cami

    Well this is the first time I’ve been here and I think you’re adorable and a damn riot. So I’ll be back and I’ll definitely leave my comments!

  • Israel


    I love your blog, it’s just that I’m not so communicative, I promise to write next time 😉

    Thanks for sharing with us!


  • Katie W. S.

    OK! I commenting! I’ve been reading you blog for a while now, but always too chicken to comment for some reason. I’m addicted to it and checking in on the little guy. You may even remember me…. I worked at the law firm with you ages ago!! 😉 Glad to see you are doing well!


  • Hilary

    Hey! I comment! A lot! It’s just that sometimes I feel like a cyber-stalker (which I’m totally not . . . well, at least not the bad kind who wants to wear your skin). I don’t know how many comments you expect to receive but to be honest, it does seem like you get a lot of comments! Plus, if you’re getting a lot of hits, that’s great too. Don’t get discouraged! People are clearly interested in following your story.

  • Jessica

    I recently started law school and have no time for anything! but i do make time to read your blog daily – i just rarely have time to comment! but i made the exception because you look sooo sad! I think Beanie is adorable; i hate that he cries all the time; i love reading your funny stories. 😉

  • Liz

    Love your blog! Don’t go anywhere! Love following your daily ins and outs with the Bean. He’s adorable! Love his hair! Happy writing and I’ll be happy reading! 🙂

  • Kayla

    I try to comment. Sometimes everyone else has said what I’ve said. “Oh, how cute, Beanie’s trying to eat his hand and his toy at the same time!” said 30x over could probably get annoying. So, I read the comments and if I have an opinion different than someone else, I’ll post it.

    Also, like everyone else here to reads this, I love this blog. Don’t go anywhere. I feel like we’re friends, even though we’ve never met, we’re in two different countries and now I feel creepy.
    I’ll promise to comment more 🙂 😛

  • Renee

    I don’t comment because I am a nerd and honestly thought you just have SO many friends who comment on your blog. I didn’t want you to be like, “Who is this freak commenting on my blog?”

    I have this problem too. Only I don’t know how many people visit my site everyday, so I just assume I’m writing it for myself and I get about one comment every other post. Neat, huh? Told you I’m a nerd.

  • Angie

    I love your blog! I don’t comment because I’m usually in a hurry, and also I normally don’t comment on people’s blogs who I don’t personally know. I guess I’m afraid if I don’t the person, they’ll think I’m a scary stalker or something.
    But seriously, your blog rocks. I’ve been up in the air about whether or not I want to have kids, but when I read your blog it makes me want one.

  • Lauren

    I couldn’t see the choices! But I gather from the other comments that one was from Multiplicity (awesomeness) – thanks for the laugh! I am a blog lurker, don’t comment because I absolutely love reading what other people think and write, but don’t feel that I have anything interesting to contribute. I’ll try to be better – I read everyday and love your posts. You are fabulous! (So are Chris, Bean, Molly and Lucy – just fabulous)

  • Joanie

    I comment sometimes…

    Not as often as I should though, and I should know better because every time I go to my own blog I hate seeing the lack of comments. Then again, I’m not sure anyone other than my cousin and my two girlfriends read my blog and ONE of those is VERY lax in her commenting. I’d attempt a pout like yours but I’m sure I could never pull it off.

    I do enjoy every single post you make. This is a daily stop for me because I love your sense of humor. That and the Bean is super eyecandy. SO SWEET!

  • Janet

    I read your blog. Every. Day. Never commented before, not sure why? Didn’t know it really mattered! I did add you to my facebook yesterday though, does that count for something? LOL Your blog is part of my evening routine, I look forward to your posts, and Chris’. Actually, I found you through the PW website, I think I saw your link on a comment there. A while back she had a contest (As I type this I’m trying to win that darn Kitchenaid mixer. again.) and in the comment section you were supposed to list your favorite blog, I had fun checking out many of them, but yours is one of the few that I bookmarked. I enjoy it immensely, keep up the good work! And I’ll try to become a regular commenter (sp?) 😉 P.S.: I love your honesty, even when it’s not terribly flattering.

  • TeamHaynes

    I’ve been majorly sick! Currently I have a sore throat and my teeth hurt from so much sinus trouble. Plus I just found your blog recently so I had to catch up on so much already. You want my comments, here they come like it or not!

  • Linda

    Ok, so I’ve “stumbled upon” your blog, not sure where or how, probably through PW, I’m a “stalker” and a google reader through the blogs, it usually starts or ends my day as I’m on my laptop with the news on getting ready for or after a busy day. My kids are in college, so I enjoy “reminiscing” and am amazed at your blog along with some of the other ladies that I’ve been reading.

    I don’t always comment….it’s a “new world” of communication and getting to know you. When my kids were just little guys we called on the phone and got together with our “play groups” and chatted…..seems like the blogs are taking over and I’m amazed and how small the world is becoming. I read of people visiting across state lines to people they met online….and it’s touched so many people that may have no other outlet….and it contributes to the personal interaction and direct “keeping in touch” with family and friends which we are all so guilty of….but

    I REALLY enjoy your blog….and I’ve only been reading it a week or two just catching up. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading, laughing and enjoying and I’ll TRY to comment occassionally……

  • Emily

    Sorry I haven’t commented but I’ve been out of town all week and I don’t have a laptop so I couldn’t visit your site…well, technically I could with my cell phone if I had enough patience but it’s so darn slow that I don’t get on the internet with my phone. I actually had withdrawals! 🙂

  • Maureen

    Ok, so here’s why I don’t comment a lot. During the summer, I’m not in a computer accessible area for most of the week. And then I come back and everyone’s made like 4 or 5 posts each and I get overwhelmed. Maybe I’ll make a couple comments if I feel the inclination to do so but weekends go by so fast, you know? I also don’t get a lot of comments, so if I don’t have much time I tend to only comment on blogs that are in the same boat as me (maybe 1 or 2 comments per post) because I feel like they need the comments more than you do. But I like your blog a lot (and obviously a lot of other people do, too) so don’t feel bad!

  • Earthtone

    I’ve commented,only lately. I’m from Singapore. Somehow stumled upon here, I can’t remember how. When you write about a low day, my heart goes out to you. I love you! and chris, and the bean! I love that you are so frank. That you are so funny. Take the sour face picture up there. So cute. You are a gem and Chris is lucky to have you and vice versa. Keep up the good work, Katie. I lvoe your family and have good wishes for you everytime I read your posts. Know that you are loved.

  • Earthtone

    I have an idea for you, Katie. Maybe you can put a poll here after every post. So that for us lazy readers, we just needed to press a button that says “You are too funny” or “we love you” or “hahahaha” I’m sure you can come up with better captions. We’ll just go along and click!

  • Laura

    Hi Katie! I don’t comment because I’m one of those shy Internet people who have NEVER commented on a blog (until Chris posted about why he loved you so much…moving stuff! That was my first ever blog comment!). In fact, I usually read your blog at work and I’m trying to be sneaky reading it, so I don’t want to linger long. I just get my kicks and get out of there!

    But I do think you’re brilliant, and now that I know you love the lovin’, I’ll try to comment more.

    (Oh also, I am an American living in Australia, so by the time I read your posts, I worry that it’s too late to comment due to time changes. But I promise I will!)

  • Morgan

    I feel odd commenting sometimes because I don’t know you or for that matter why I even read this blog, and to be honest, I can’t remember how I got here in the first place.

    I’m just a single gal with no kids and cant even relate to half of this stuff but for some reason, every other day I hop on over to your site for my semi-weekly dose of laughter and to read about your insights on life.

    I am sorry I navigate away in complete secrecy, Ive thought about commenting so many times and then I think.. “Morgan you really don’t even know this girl what are you doing?”

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