Health,  Marriage Confessions,  Random,  Travel

Change in Plans

I didn’t post on my hometown yesterday.  But I have an excuse.  I have a doctor’s note.  I have an EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR’S note, actually.

That’s right.  What’s a trip home without a stop by the emergency room.

On Monday, I was sitting outside at a restaurant with Chris, Bean, my sister, and my sister’s soon-to-be mother-in-law.  We were having a really great lunch when all of a sudden I felt a piercing ache in my chest and I started to have trouble breathing.  At first, I thought maybe I was having a panic attack.  I’ve had them in the past and we have a lot going on right now, so I thought maybe I was just overwhelmed.  But when a minute went by and the pain got worse and I still was hurting every time I took a breath, I started to worry that it was more than that.

It was the most piercing pain I’ve ever felt and it was right up in my chest and into my back.  And then it went down into my left arm and I couldn’t move.  I was literally paralyzed there.  That’s when everyone started freaking out and calling 911.  We were, thankfully, eating next door to a doctor’s office and so a doctor came running out.  Just as she took my blood pressure, I started to get woozy and I heard her say my blood pressure was 75 over 40 just as I passed out.

I don’t really remember much that happened after that.  I remember the EMT and the ambulance driver putting me in the ambulance.  I remember getting to the hospital and Chris saying he would meet me back in the room because he couldn’t come through the back entrance with us.  Later, Chris would tell me that at the restaurant I had turned completely white and my lips were purple and that the EMT took one look at me and declared we were going to the hospital.

At the time we got to the emergency room, my chest was still in a lot of pain, but I was only having trouble breathing in fits instead of the whole time.  Every few seconds, my chest would tighten up and I wouldn’t be able to breathe.  But when that part stopped, I could breathe okay, I just had that piercing feeling in my chest again.

By the time we saw the doctor, the EMT was explaining that it seemed muscular or skeletal and not that one of my organs was falling out of my body, like I kept asking him.

Turns out, I had pulled a muscle in between two of my ribs.  And it was starting to spasm.  Every time I breathed and my ribs expanded, that muscle would start spasming and squeezing my chest, making it hard to breathe.  This same muscle is apparently the one that goes into your back, too, because the entire left side of my back felt like an elephant was standing on it.  And dancing.  The passing out was a response to all the pain.

We were in the hospital all afternoon while they took x-rays of my chest to make sure I hadn’t punctured a lung or had a broken rib.  When those came back negative, the doctor said he felt comfortable calling it a severe muscle spasm in my chest.

I felt more comfortable when he gave me 2 prescriptions for pain medication and something to stop my muscle from spasming.

In the end, I am doing much better but am still not able to move around really good.  I can’t turn or twist and I can’t pick anything up – including Bean Man.  They put me in a sling so that I would keep my arm still which would then keep my back muscles still, too.

Remember how I said I always show my sister up somehow whenever she has something major going on?  And how I vowed that her wedding would be different?  And how I would blend into the background and give her her time to shine?

Yeah, well, I was still making those promises as the ambulance drove me to the hospital, but I’m not too sure she believed me.


  • Jes Cady

    Oh my gosh. I was thinking the same thing. Your subconscious just won’t let your sister have her moment in the sun and your body started freaking out! Just kidding.

    I’m really glad you are okay and that it wasn’t a heart attack or stroke. Feel better soon.

  • Magimom

    I’ve done that before – my doctor told me that actually straining/pulling your ribs is more painful than breaking them! Here’s to a speedy recovery, and to Ginny outshining you anyway!

  • Sarah H.

    Oh Katie!! How scary! I’m so glad you are alright. An hour or so before you posted this I was just thinkingI miss KatieMC (that’s what I call you), she’s been quiet for a bit. Ha.
    I’m sure your sister will be just fine and her wedding will be wonderful! I bet she is just so relieved she doesn’t have to fill in your bridesmaid spot at the last minute 😉 Please tell me you don’t have to wear the sling DURING the wedding? And how on Earth did you manage to pull that muscle?

  • PJ

    I’m so glad that everything turned out to be okay (well relatively speaking).

    I have problems with my ribs hurting too (there’s a big fancy name that I can’t spell for the condition I have) and I find that heating pads work really well on dulling the pain. Just something else to try, if you need it or get weird about taking too much medication.

  • Emily

    Way to outdo her once again! Ha! Well that’s scary, you had me on the edge of my seat for about half of your post geez! Well get better soon and take it easy!

  • Tressa

    I was thinking the same thing as I was reading this post….you had to be in the spot light again!! 🙂 I was only kidding though! Thinking it was a April fools a lil late!!

    I’m so glad it wasn’t something totally major! Like that kept you in the hospital. I hope you feel back to normal SOON! Ya know, you have lots of stuff to be doing and all!!!

    How is the MOH toast coming along? Any hints and suggestions for my daughter????

    Thinking about you! Get well 😉

  • Tracy

    Well goodness, that is just scary! But as I was reading this I was kinda thinking, “But she is SO NOT going to show up her sister this weekend… no way is that happening.” And then it happened. Seriously, you can’t help it, that was totally not your fault! How did you pull that muscle anyway?

  • Gerri

    So glad you are ok! That sounds super scary…and no one ever outshines the bride 🙂 (not even a sister in a sling)…but if you have to wear it, you should totally bedazzle the heck out of it!

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    Oh. My. Goodness. I’m glad it wasn’t anything too serious, but – ouch!

    How awesome is that sling going to look with your matron of honor dress? And you might cut back on the pain meds or you’ll be weaving down the aisle. 🙂

  • Susan Samson

    WOW! Scary! Glad you are going to be okay and it is just muscle spasms. At first I was thinking it was something far worse. My sister recently found out she had a cracked rib and has no idea how it happened. How stylish you will be with your arm in a sling.

  • Alaina

    I’m a new lurker to your blog and have read your entries the past few weeks, but I just had to comment on this and say that I am so sorry you had such a scare and hope you feel better soon! I’m sure your sister will understand, and I can’t imagine how frightening that had to have been for your family and your husband. Rest up and get well soon!

  • Katie S.

    What a scary day you had! Here I was, selfishly sitting at my desk yesterday, refreshing your page every 20 minutes, saying, “Man, I really wish Katie would post some witty story, or a cute pic of Bean, or some fun wedding-related details to get me through this slow afternoon at work!” If I had only known what you were going through!

    The good news is that your post today made me stop and realize how fortunate I am, and how fortunate we all are, for our health, our family, and our friends. And, that when the coffee in the break room is luke-warm, and my co-worker next to me is not-so-subtly yelling at her adult daughter on the phone, and I can’t imagine responding to one more passive-aggressive work email, that life isn’t so bad after all.

    Thanks, Katie! Feel better soon! You have some dancing (and drinking!) to get to this weekend 🙂

    Katie S.

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    Oh my god! Well, I am glad that you have some medication and are on the mend. Let us know if you aren’t up for a visit on Sunday–even though the meeting of P-Bo and Bean would be EPIC, I totally understand if you’d rather just get home as soon as possible. I am sending you very gentle hugs from Tallahassee 🙂

  • Dyanna

    Oh wow. Thank goodness you’re ok. I also follow you on Twitter so yesterday I kept thinking “Man she sure is quiet today, must be uber busy”.

  • Katie's Grandma

    So happy to see your post just before leaving for GB!
    I knew if it was there, you were going to survive.
    Now, I have to return for a refund on the SPANX that I
    bought just in case I had to fill in for you. Wouldn’t
    that scare the pants off Gin! LOL

    • Lee Ann

      Oh, Katie’s Grandma! That is priceless. If it weren’t such a scary, and hectic, time, I’d suggest you and Katie tell Ginny that you WERE going to sub for Katie!

      Katie – take care! Glad to hear you are doing better. Now just take it easy … well, as easy as the MOH can!

  • Mike J in Fremont

    Scary day for you guys. I’m glad that it turned out to not be something serious. When reading your story, I kept thinking- She’s too young and healthy to be having heart problems.
    Just remember the phase, “I have a Dr.’s note” when asked to do something you don’t feel like doing. You should be able to milk this out for at least two weeks. I was laughing at the upstaging your sister thing as well. Maybe you can get a custom sling made to match you dress.

    Space Cadet signing off.

  • Claudia

    Oh Katie! When I started reading I began to worry it was something worse than that. I am glad you are ok and I hope you have a fast recovery.

  • Alyssa

    Oh my! I was gripped by this story reading as fast as I could to find out how sick you were! I’m so glad it was relatively minor considering what it could have been 🙂

  • Kate

    Oh my goodness — that is craziness! How scary! I’m so happy it wasn’t anything worse. Poor you. Hope you feel better soon!!

  • lauren

    DISLIKE!! praying for you and hopefully you will get better soon and have no issues. i am pretty sure lots of wedding cake will help you feel better too…just sayin.

  • Sandy

    while reading this i could just hear your sister saying (as you are falling to the floor) “well isn’t this just great!” and sitting there and finishing her lunch while everyone else in the world is hovered over you…maybe that pain in your back is ginny with her 10 inch butcher knife. JUST KIDDING!!! glad everything turned out well for everyone involved and regardless…IT IS ALL ABOUT THE BRIDE! =-)

  • Kelly @ The Startup Wife

    Oh my gosh, you poor thing! I’m so glad it turned out not to be anything serious!!

    I actually get something similar, and sometimes it helps me to lie flat on my back (though mine’s a slightly different muscle I think–more in my back. But I get the same inSANE pain when I breathe and I can barely breathe). I think something about the alignment helps it feel a little better and maybe helps the muscles stay where they need to. If the meds don’t quiiiiiiiite take the edge off, maybe worth a try?

    Get better soon!!! Hope it goes away before the wedding!

  • Katie van der Meer

    prayers are with and your family. I am so sorry this had to happen at such an exciting time for you… and such a stressful time. I highly doubt you needed one more thing to have to think and worry about. And you can’t even pick up your little bean? that I think might be the worst part. Sometimes when I am feeling stressed or worried I just pick up one of my boys and make them snuggle with me. It makes everything so much easier. Get Chris to grab bean and put him on your lap so you can give him a good nuzzle.

  • Carlene

    Oh Katie honey! I’m so sorry you had to go through all that! I hope your sling coordinates with your dress though. If not, TIME TO DECORATE!

  • Christina

    So scary…no wonder everyone freaked out.
    But…you are a blogger and so these things must happen to you. That is the bottom line. It makes for a great story.
    Seriously, that is so stinkin’ sucky that you have to be so immobilized and can’t hold your little man! I hope that the pain meds help and that you can relax and still have a good time with your family.
    Are you going to tell us how you pulled your muscle?! Maybe that is crossing the line…but you know we are all really curious!

  • Jenelle

    I’m glad it was nothing more serious, and am also sorry you had to go through that!! Must have been scary for all of you.

  • Adrienne

    Katie – glad you are feeling better. Now if you can just find that Bedazzler to spruce up the sling for the wedding…

  • Melanie L

    BAD SISTER!!! No really, though, Katie, what does one do to strain their rib muscle? Anyway, I hope the wedding goes off without a hitch and everyone looks beautiful!! Feel better, too.

  • Courtney @ Living Life on Fire

    Ah, pain meds and muscle relaxers… should be an interesting walk down the aisle for you!! Seriously, I’m sorry you’re in pain, but glad it wasn’t anything else. Take care of yourself this weekend and try to take it easy! Hope you feel better.

  • Kathie

    Aww Katie! How horrible!! The emotions you must be feeling right now are probably overwhelming, but don’t let that lead into a panic attack! (Been there, done that!) Whats done is done – and you’ll be alright! Sorry about not being able to hold Beaner. But that’s what husbands are for. Right? Right? 🙂 We’ll be praying for a quick, speedy recovery!

    P.S. I love how your sarcasm has come across to your readers and those who leave you messages! Some of these are great!!

  • Jessica W

    Wow!! I had the same reaction to your blog that I used to have to ER, “That can happen?!” I’m glad you are okay!!

    If your sister gives you a hard time, remind her you could have had your little episode during the wedding. You were considerate and selfless enough to let her have the actual ceremony. 😉

  • Jeska

    Well I’m just glad you’re okay, and I know your sister is too. I’m sure there is plenty of family around to hold bean for you. 🙂 It’s not like they mind.

    I’m really happy your organs aren’t falling out of your body and that you’ll be okay. I think the same way when something is wrong with me, haha. Glad I’m not alone.

  • Courtney

    Oh my goodness Katie. That’s scary. I’m glad your ok. I know what it’s like to have chest pains and it is really scary. Feel better soon and enjoy your time in GB.

  • Carrie

    Oh no Katie!! I was getting kinda worried when I didn’t see a post here or even on twitter. I know how you feel because I have the same problem as you did, but a few times a year and the doctor doesn’t know what is causing it. I hope with lots of rest that you feel better for this weekend. Give Ginny my best. We are all looking forward to some wonderful pictures from the wedding!!

  • Ella

    That must have been so scary for you (& chris & family). Im glad it didnt turn out to be too serious and im sure Ginny understands! Take care.

  • Emilyc

    How scary! I’m so glad that everything turned out okay and I hope you are feeling better soon. Life with you is never boring, is it? Feel better! 🙂

  • Renee

    My 1st thought when I read your post about this on fb: “Oh no! I hope she’s ok!” My 2nd thought: “Uh oh, did she just upstage the wedding?!”

    Glad you’re ok.

  • Ashley

    So glad you’re okay! And I can’t believe you managed to bring all the attention to yourself YET AGAIN! Poor Ginny….

  • Dawn

    Its not a real wedding unless someone goes to the emergency room. I’ve got a good story about one of our guests going to the ER and I know I’m not the only one.

    Hopefully she finds solace in the fact that you got your trip out of the way prior to the ceremony.

  • Christina

    Holy cow! I’m glad you are ok now. How did you pull a muscle like that? I hope that things settle down for you and you feel better soon.

  • Mel

    That is one crazy story! I really hope you are feeling better soon! Take it easy. Hey, at least you are surrounded by family who can help take care of the Bean for you! Hope you are back to your normal self soon.

  • Andie

    Woah. I just read this TODAY. I usually keep up with your posts but been busy with school. I’m really glad to hear you are okay 🙂

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