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My No Phone Zone Pledge

I am a talker.  Its just my nature.  I talk to feel closer to people.  I talk to keep up with things.  I talk to get projects done.  I talk because no one else is talking.  I am a talker.

Naturally, I have had my fair share of high phone bills.  In fact, when I was in high school and still living at home, my parent’s cell phone bill which included my sister and me was often delivered in a huge file folder.  And, one time, in a box.  Cell phones are just an extension of life for me.  And now that I have my iPhone, I am never far from my own little piece of Internet Land.  And – bonus! – I am also never far from ordering a pizza. 

But about six months ago, I saw a show on Oprah that changed my perspective on cell phone usage.  She did a show on the importance of not using your cell phone while driving.  To be honest with you, I was so used to talking on my cell while driving that I hadn’t even given it a second thought before that show.  But watching stories told by parents of teenagers who had been killed while talking on their cell phones or by drivers who hit them while talking on their cell phone really caught my attention and I vowed then and there to stop my bad habit. 

For the most part, I have succeeded.  Every now and then I catch myself answering a call or picking up my phone to call someone while I’m behind the wheel, but I almost always catch my mistake and hang up immediately.  Mostly, its because of Bean.  I couldn’t handle the thought of what could happen if my attention wasn’t 100% on what I was doing when I was driving.  I just can’t handle that thought.  And especially when I know that that situation can completely be prevented if I can just be patient enough to wait until I am out of my car to make or take a phone call. 

And don’t get me started on texting while driving.  I am a terrible texter, so I don’t do it often.  But I have seen so many people drift into my lane on accident while they were driving.  Thank goodness my attention was on the road and not in some cell phone or God knows what could have happened. 

The thing is that I think people are so used to driving, so comfortable driving, that they forget that when they get behind the wheel of a car they are taking not just their own lives into their hands, but the lives of those in the cars around them.  We share the roadway with all kinds of people – mothers, father, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, best friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles, and on and on.  Those people sitting in their car next to you at that red light are not just people.  They have a family and a life and we need to remember that when we are driving. 

Today, my best friend (no, not PW…my OTHER best friend) Oprah is calling for a No Cell Phone Zone in our cars.  No talking, no texting, to Twittering, nothing behind the wheel of our cars today.  But I’m calling for a No Cell Phone Zone EVERY DAY.  Because I am on the road every day and my eleven month old son is with me.  And while YOU might be comfortable talking and driving in your car by yourself, how would you feel if my son were in your car with you? 

Today, I’m dusting off my soapbox for a cause that I am not just dedicated to, but passionate about.  Talking and texting while driving KILLS PEOPLE.  It isn’t just reckless behavior, it is irresponsible and selfish behavior.  So I’m asking my blog readers to make the pledge today with me for a No Cell Phone Zone in their cars.  Not just today, not just tomorrow, but every single time you get in a car. 

If you’d like to take Oprah’s pledge or get more information, I encourage you to visit Oprah’s website at

But you don’t need Oprah.  You don’t need me.  Make the decision for yourself and for your loved ones.  Do us all a favor and put the cell phones away when you’re driving.


  • Jayme

    I took the pledge when I first saw the show! We were rear ended on the way home from the hospital( having my son by c-section) and a lady hit us. She said she never saw us! Thank God my husband saw her in the rear view mirror and took his foot off the break( we were at a stop light) it made the impact a lot less hard. I get so angry when I see people driving and talking. It just isn’t worth it. And don’t even get me started on people who take pictures of them self while driving!!!!!! I mean really, I don’t care what you look like in that moment. and who knows it could be the last picture they take of themselves!

    ahhhh…. thanks for taking the pledge!!!!

  • Beret

    That show changed me. NOTHING is worth taking your attention off the task at hand:driving. I now keep my phone tunred off in the car. Calls can wait. I made sure my parents and in-law know they are not to talk on the phone while driving with my children.

  • Kendra


    AMEN! I agree 100% with you on this cause. While I do not like how it has come about because of a show that Oprah did I still think it is important. Don’t get me wrong, I love Oprah, but I wish this had been brought up 10+ years ago. The minute cell phones came about there should have been a law stating that talking on the phone and driving is not allowed. I do know that some states have made it so that you have to have a hands free piece in when driving and talking but you are still distracted. Life is far more important than the text message that is coming through on your phone.

    Your last statement is one that everyone should repeat over and over and start following through with what they are reading!

    p.s. I wrote a blog about you the other day because I think you’re great! Stop by and read it!

  • Abigail

    Good thing to share!! I’ve been without a cell phone for about year now. It may sound odd and impossible, but we’ve agreed we’re never having them again. . .though our girls will probably have an emergency one when they’re in high school to take to sporting events and parties and such. . .but we have at least 10 years to ponder on that. 🙂

  • Abby @ They Lend Me Their Hearts

    I’ll admit I have used the phone while driving, though I’m not a texter. I’ve rarely talked on the phone while driving, usually when I’m lost and need someone to walk me through getting somewhere, but I am pledging to not talk on the phone while driving. If I get lost I’ll just pull over first!

    My husband is going to be a little trickier to get on board since he’s on the phone a lot for work. It scares me to death when he’s messing with his phone while driving! I’m still working on him!

  • Katie van der Meer

    That choice was taken clean out of my hands since here in Ontario, Canada it has become illegal to talk on the phone while driving, eat while driving and even have a drink (non -alcoholic and alcoholic)while driving. I appreciate the law for sure but i think saying no food or drinks while driving kind of sucks. The ticket and penalty is pretty hefty.

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    I don’t touch my phone while driving. Wanna know why? Because I know that I cannot focus on more than one thing at a time. I barely can change radio stations and drive at the same time, so talking/texting while driving are both big no-nos for me. Seriously, I have such a hard time focusing when I am on the phone that even at home when I am on the phone I have to go to a room with no people and no television on.

    Yep, I am a weirdo. But at least I am a safe weirdo.

  • Kelly @ The Startup Wife

    Good for you!

    In California it’s illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving, and sometimes I forget you can do it in other states. I’m all for a nationwide ban! People really underestimate how distracted they get. There is almost ALWAYS time to pull over if you really need to take a call.

  • kk

    It started last year but Canadians are now officially banned from texting and using the phone on the road.
    We get fined and deducted points if we do so.

    I agree with the is dangerous.

  • Susan @ Simply Suz

    Thanks for this post, Katie. A friend of ours (Matt Wilhelm) was killed by a texting driver about 5 years ago. His parents told his story on Oprah’s special. Blog friends, please don’t text & drive. I am looking forward to the day where cell phone usage in cars is as taboo as drinking & driving. It’s certainly as dangerous.

  • Amy

    Katie, Thank you for posting this. I have seen it before and watched this show to day while at the gym and it moved me. I wish me teens were home to see it. I am taking the pledge and hope they will too. My son totaled his car last month changing the radio station which is just as bad.
    PS—DO you watch Jamie Oliver–Food Revolution? I am a teacher and the school lunches need to change….my kids are in HS but Bean is coming up….These kiddos need better food offered to them ..

    Take a look…have a super weekend.


  • Mike J in Fremont

    Sorry to be a downer but, I talk on the phone all the time while on the road. It’s part of my job to attend to clients or listen in on meetings. It is really no different than talking to someone who is physically in my car. I also use a hands free bluetooth. I have a perfect driving record with no accidents or tickets. I never use the handset or text while driving. While some people cannot do more than one thing at a time, they shouldn’t impose their will on me. Now I do know people who seem to drop into stupid mode when talking. If you can’t do both then don’t.


  • Jenny (

    You know, i really agree with this. i mean, our lives have become so fast paced and interactive that we cant just stop talking for twenty minutes? and i believe if a call is that urgent, you can park somewhere near; parking lot, side of road and still make that call. there is no reason whatsoever that anyone would NEED to make a phone call while driving, meanwhile it puts a lot of people at risk! i agree to the no cell phone zone.

  • Kathryn

    Driving while using mobile phones has been illegal for quite some years in Australia. I would hazard a guess that this measure has been partially responsible for the gradual reduction in the road toll!!

  • Diana

    Thank you for posting this, Katie, it is so important. It’s illegal in California to talk/text on your cell phone when driving but so many people still do…it’s unbelievable! Awhile back I saw a video on YouTube that was British public service announcement about texting while driving that is so realistic it’s scary. It made such an impact on me that I asked my young adult children to watch it, too. Here is the link in case anyone else would want to see it, but consider yourself warned…it’s graphic.

  • Lyndsey

    I’m with Mike. Just to give a different perspective. I really don’t think there is ANY excuse for texting… and when a verizon salesman tried to sell me a droid bc (get this) “its so much easier to text while driving on”.. I wanted to throw the phone at his head.

    But, I just don’t understand how talking on a bluetooth is any different than talking to someone in your car. Particularly for someone who has been doing it for years. Driving is a skill. I would love if someone would give ME a test on driving with bluetooth so I can prove its just fine (for me).

  • Natalie

    In Ontario we can’t use a cell phone, ipod, or gps while driving. You get a fine and demerit points for doing so. I think it should be law everywhere.

  • Sarah C. H.

    I’m so glad you’re promoting this. I live in California right now and all of the tales of bad California drivers are 100% true! You have no idea how many times A DAY that I almost get pulled over on or run into or run off the road because some dummy is on their cell phone or not paying attention.

    Listen up California.

  • Megan

    I saw that Oprah and I couldn’t believe it! I admit…I was guilty of thinking I could multi-task and handle driving and texting. I quit after that show and haven’t done it since. Although I haven’t officially taken the pledge…just haven’t taken the time to go to to do it…I have taken the pledge with myself.

    Thanks for sharing this…I’ve thought about blogging about it myself. Like you…my little Q-Tip is my driving force on this subject. People need to realize that it does’t matter how well we multi-task etc…no one can handle driving and texting. NO ONE!


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