Happy, Friendly, Independent Little Dude
This week my good friend, Sarah, and I took Bean to a new splash park. That is absolutely his favorite way to spend an afternoon and this park didn’t disappoint.
I continue to be impressed by Bean Man and how much he’s growing. But the first thing I noticed about him when we were splashing around was that he seems to be growing a bit more…er….round these days. Check out that belly! I kept thinking he would just topple right over because he was so disproportionate, but he stayed upright.
Well, he stayed upright until he found a little pool of water to splash in, anyway.
More than the growth around his midsection though, I love watching Bean play these days because he seems to be growing socially, too.
I love that he just walks right up to groups of kids and starts yammering away to them. Most of the time, they look at him like he’s crazy because he’s not making any sense whatsoever, but he just keeps on babbling and talking to them. And when all other forms of communication fail, he resorts to sharing his toys with people. That seems to make friends really fast.
I just love his courage. He isn’t nervous. He isn’t scared. He doesn’t care if he’s cool enough or old enough or big enough to play with other kids. He just joins the group and mimics whatever it is they are doing.
And then after he’s made his friends and had some fun, he goes on his merry way, looking for other people to hang out with or just being content to play by himself.
He’s just a happy, friendly, independent little dude.
I can’t wait to see how this social part of his personality translates as he grows up.
These days, he’s growing so fast that I probably won’t have to wait too long to find out. And while that’s sad to think he won’t be puttering around as a little guy forever, it’s exciting to know that as he’s growing up to be happy, friendly, and independent.
Round bellies are the perfect surface to give babies razberries! I wouldn’t worry too much about it, you’ve always been very balanced with what you give him to eat, I’m sure he’ll grow in height and even out. I love his little personality. I bet he’ll be the cool guy who marches to the beat of his own drum that everyone loves in high school!
I think Bean looks like a perfect little one year old. The best thing about being that age is that having a little round belly is adorable. He looks so cute in his swimming trunks and is having such a great time. Awww…to be one again and have no cares in the world. Enjoy another beautiful summer day with your sweet boy!
The picture of him with the little girl in the pink suit reminds me of the old contests PW used to run where she’d ask readers to submit captions or titles for her photos.
I don’t know what I’d title that photo of Bean, but something acknowledging his skill as a pick-up man!
Diana @ A Little Bit of Life
You can always listen to your ovaries chanting when Bean Man gets to big for ya and just given in to them! 🙂
Love the pictures! And I love a cute round toddler (sorry, I had to say the t-word) belly any day.
Jen at Cabin Fever
You’ll just have to have another Bean when he becomes a big Bean boy 🙂
Cabin Fever in Vermont
Watch out for those ladies!
The round tummy is very normal at that age. My son at 3 years old!
Sara @ embrylovescookies
So sweet! Why can’t we all just stay that way forever. Happy, friendly, and willing to share. World leaders could learn a lot from Bean.
Also, my fav part of toddlers is their elbow dimples. Great pics!
We found out we are having a little boy, and while at the community pool the other day I saw there is a splash park! I immediately thought of your posts of Bean playing in the splash park and wondered if my little man will enjoy it as much as he does!
Oh i ment to say my son still has a bit of a tummy at 3!
Cindy In Owensboro, KY
Those are cute pics– I wish we had cool splash parks like that here because it has been 100 degrees for way too long.
Megan (Best of Fates)
I second Mindee – Bean looks like quite the ladies man in that one pic. Also – the last two photos with the water shooting up are amazing. Fantastic. Really good.
Thought you should know.
Sarah C. H.
Man, I wish I was a little kid so I could go play at the splash pad. That looks so cool!
Katie J.
The picture of him sitting with the girl is freaking adorable! He’s such a cute little guy!!
LOVE that picture of Bean and the little girl–that’s just the most adorable thing ever!
Terrific photos, and it’s so great to see him becoming a happy, friendly, independent little dude! His belly is so cute – it’s clearly working on the ladies at the splash park. 😉
These pictures are to stinkin cute!! Beanie is adorable, I could just kiss those cubby lil cheeks 😉
He is growing up so fast. I see a big difference in him in these pictures.
jen morris
I love the toddler belly! While it doesn’t particulary suit me, it’s adorable on the kiddos!
Oh man…that is oooooonnnneeee cute kiddo you have there, round belly and all 🙂