• Ashley

    This is hysterical! 🙂 You guys are the best. And I just want to say, as a grad student in a counseling program and as a human being…if Chris’ criteria for depression was right, I am definitely “depressed” too! 😉

    Thanks for the bellycast! It made me smile.

  • Kate

    This is so funny! Your pregnancy is exactly like mine was (my first and only). If I wasn’t throwing up, I was exhausted, or had a horrible cold. For me, my third trimester was the BEST one – because there was no sickness! I’m praying my next pregnancy isn’t like my first, because it really is the worst – i can’t imagine doing it with a job and a toddler like you are! Sending happy wishes your way…

  • Robin

    Love the dilemma here. Seriously, what do men know about pregnancy?! However it is odd how similar the effects are like depression. On a side note – I just got a “new” iPhone as well, just like you! My husband got the new one, and I got his old first generation 3G. I keep telling people I got his old one, and he corrects me saying, “No, you got a new phone because it is new to you.” Hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am enjoying mine.

  • melissa B.

    you two are so funny! I love that Chris is so willing to be part of this blog and actually show us a male’s point of view. It is invaluable. Thanks to both of you for always being so honest. It helps us to know that we are not alone. 🙂

  • Liz

    This made my day (as a 39 week prego). I laughed my butt off because I could totally see my husband and I having this conversation. Love your blog, think you and Chris (and The Bean and the dogs) are great! Best wishes for the pregnancy!

  • Niki

    “Do you like getting out of bed in the morning?” Who does? lol

    I bounce out of bed every morning, but not because I want to. It’s so I can get my kids up and off to school on time. Then I go back to bed after I get them to school. Which I will be doing shortly.

  • Maria

    Aww, such a cute video, but I’m sorry you’ve been so sick. I remember that all too well. Hope you start feeling tons better soon!

    Oh, and I really, really think you’re having a girl! 😉

  • Holly

    This made me laugh, I feel so sad for you…I would be miserable as well. The dogs in the background were awesome though! You deserve many naps!!!

  • Sarah@Crazy Love Gamble-Style

    I love the video, feel free to “write” your blog this way as much as you need to : ) You guys are too cute together. I wish your pregnancy would start going smoother, I am really hoping you are going to come out of this stage soon and start feeling good. I don’t think it is depression as in clinical depression just situational exhaustion. I wish you all the best!!

  • Jen C

    You guys crack me up! Pregnancy is a strange weird time when nothing makes sense. I’m not showing my hubby this video because he will ignore everything except the “reward for pregnancy” part and demand a new iphone. He is confused why I don’t want to go anywhere now that i’m 7months along. I’m like “dude, have you seen my ankles? no seriously, have you? i cant see them anymore” anyways, you look great for puking your guts out for 4 months. hope you start feeling better soon. and chris is a brave man. we’ll just leave it at that

  • brit

    So awesome!!! I was dying laughing. I’m sorry you’re miserable. I’m newly preggo, and feeling your “situation/depression” as well!!

  • Amy L Butler

    Most things in your life relate to my life in some way or another. I enjoyed this bellycast very much. I wish you well during this pregnancy and hope you get to feeling better so you can enjoy the experience I look forward to watching more bellycasts and reading your posts as often as I can. They are definitely bright spots in my day. Take care!

  • Melissa

    I actually went through this on a mre professional level. After my first born, who had medical problems. Life was Tough. I was up every hour to either feed or give her meds. So when I went t my OB he wanted me to see someone because I had not laughed in a week. So The phyciatrist asked a list of questions. Has your sleep patterns changed? Have you lost a signifcant amount of weight? Have you eating habits changed? Do you wake up in the middle of the night? All to wich I responded Yes I just had a baby!!! He tried to put me on Heavy duty depression meds. I did not take them and I finally had a laugh at his expense. I feel your pain I am now regnant with my third and am feeling like I am 80 years old and need to get to the nursing home. Good luck.

  • Rachael

    Katie i know you dont feel well HOWEVER from experiance i will tell you that i had REALLY bad depression with my second baby. My husband kept telling me I was depressed but i didnt listen. If i had listened i might have enjoyed my new baby more. I would barely even hold her until she was about 3 months old. PLEASE listen to your husband if he thinks you might be depressed. I didn’t .

  • Lisa

    You guys are so funny 🙂 At the beginning of this video, you did look miserable and I’m thinking, uh oh what’s wrong…but I see that you guys are just as funny as ever and I really hope you aren’t feeling depressed!

  • Casper

    I hear you! People tell me all the time that I need to cheer up. This is the happiest time ever. My come back was I throw up everything I eat – you try to be happy. Hopefully you will be feeling all better soon!

  • Jenny J.

    I’ve never been pregnant, but I have to say that if I had been as you have for as long as you have, I’d be grouchy and want to stay in bed all day too! I’m grouchy enough in the morning without being sick! Feel better, hoping for the best for the rest of your pregnancy!

  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    You guys, Aaron and I were cracking up during this video! Chris, as someone who has suffered through several clinical depression in my late teens and earlier 20s and postpartum depression after Porter was born, I can say that the symptoms of depression are a bit more complicated than you described!

    I have to say that if I was growing a person, was sick for 16 weeks, working full time, running a blog and taking care of a toddler and two dogs, I probably wouldn’t be all shiny and happy 100% of the time either!

  • Kathy

    I loved the video. Feel free to make more blog posts this way. 🙂 We just found out this weekend that we’re expecting. My hubby turns to me last night and says, “Now you’re going to get moody. So please realize it, and be nice to me.” I’m not entirely sure of his logic there.

  • Shelley

    Mr. Mom needs to walk around with one of those pregnant bellies they give men to “experience” what pregnancy is like. And then he needs a cold. Then you figure out how to make him puke everyday. THEN you can call him depressed. LOL

  • Emily

    I have to say, Chris’ voice sounds exactly how I imagined it would. Katie, I thought you didn’t sound how I expected, and then I realized I thought you sounded like my internal voice.

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy


    I especially loved the part where Chris said…sounds like your depressed and you said…sounds a lot like pregnancy to me!!

    That was great…cause I wasn’t the happiest pregnant woman on the planet either.


    Can’t wait to meet the New Guy!


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