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Big Boy Day

First, thank you all for the suggestions on how to deal with Bean during this transition period. We had an appointment with our pediatrician on Friday for Gracie and while we were there, he talked with us a lot about how to handle Bean during this time and then this weekend I talked to my mom about it when she came over to stay with Gracie and both the doctor and my mom agreed with what most of you said – consistency is key! We’ve decided to pay a little more attention to Bean and to love him up even more, but as far as his behavior, we really have to stick to our guns. My doctor had a good rule of thumb for Bean (and any child going through the terrible two’s). He said to redirect and correct unacceptable behavior and to discipline defiant behavior. Keeping that in mind, along with advice my mom gave me, and everything you all suggested, I feel like we at least have options going forward.

We decided last week that we really needed to not just spend time with Bean and the family, but by himself. So, we asked my mom to come down and keep Gracie Saturday morning while we took Bean to the Orlando Science Center for some hands-on Big Boy fun! They had a Curious George exhibit and we thought Bean would really love that. And he did!


There was a whole Curious George town set up in one wing of the museum that you could walk through. Each area had a part of the Curious George books that you could participate in. Bean loved the part where you got to dress up in Curious George’s work outfit and then move around all these big foam blocks.





Bean’s other favorite part was a big rocket ship slide. He got to climb up the stairs all by himself (which was slightly terrifying as a parent because it was so high – I kept checking to make sure I brought our health insurance card) and then slide down. It was big and fast and Bean loved it!



After the Curious George exhibit, we headed out to check out the other exhibits and things to do. Bean was actually just a bit young for the museum. It was completely hands on and had all these cool science experiments you could do. But almost everything was adaptable for him. We just helped him and did modified versions of everything so that he got to do stuff. He didn’t know the difference and thought everything was great!

We maneuvered a big fan and made wind socks blow…


We stopped and played with widgets and gadgets and built things that spun…


We made noise on the big PVC pipes by whacking them with a big mallet…




We played with the train table (which Bean took very seriously)…



We raced cars down this giant racetrack…


And we studied law of motion…I think…


One of Bean’s favorite parts though was the dinosaur exhibit. I thought it might scare him, but he walked around roaring the whole time, so I’m guessing he was fine.



I think I even heard Chris roar a time or two.


Bean especially liked the part where he got to dig for fossils in the big bed of sand.


The last floor of the museum focused on Florida wildlife. Have I mentioned how much I don’t like Florida wildlife? Snakes, alligators, lizards, frogs? No, thanks. But Bean and Chris loved it!

(You’ll notice there aren’t many close-up pictures of this part because I was standing about 20 feet away from the critters – it’s how I roll.)



The whole day we kept telling Bean what a big boy he was. Everything was big boy. Big Boy with Curious George. Big Boy racing cars. Big Boy dinosaurs. And at the end, we went out for a Big Boy lunch at Chick-fil-a. It was a great Big Boy day!


I knew the day would be good for Bean, but I wasn’t expecting how good it would be for me and Chris. It was nice to spend some time alone with Bean for us, too. It gave us time to reconnect with him and listen to him and talk to him and play with him. It was just a great day for all of us.



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