Blogging,  Marriage Confessions,  Travel

Part Two: MC in the ATL

Saturday morning we got an early start and headed to the Atlanta Zoo for “Boo at the Zoo.” It was FREAKING FREEZING at the zoo that morning! I bundled the kids up as best as their Florida wardrobes would allow. They looked like little, fat sausages!




“Boo at the Zoo” was pretty awesome. Bean and Gracie got to wear their costumes around and go trick-or-treating at different parts of the zoo. Not to mention, all the animals they got to see. Bean was in heaven!





Bean really loved the petting zoo, too. Chris and Ginny took him in there to pet the goats and sheep and when they started to “baaaaa,” Bean thought it was the funniest thing ever!



Aunt Ginny, however, was a very baaaaaaad girl in the petting zoo. She started fiercely petting this billy goat on his head. She kept yelling over to me, “See, kids can’t get in there and pet them this good!” And then she’d keep on scratching his head. The goat actually seemed to really like it. He kept lowering his head and leaning into her hand, just like our dogs do when they’re getting scratched.

Then, all of a sudden, the zoo keeper came running up to Ginny, yelling, “That is not acceptable behavior! THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR!” Apparently, the goat was about to head butt Ginny or something. Anyway, Aunt Ginny was asked to leave the petting zoo area.

And we all died laughing.


After the zoo, we loaded up in the vans and began the TWO HOUR journey to find turquoise and yellow damn balloons. NO ONE had turquoise and yellow stinking balloons! We went to grocery stores and florist shops and everyone was either out of helium or out of turquoise balloons or out of yellow balloons.

Oh! And did I mention that at this point in the day, both kids were tired and cranky and crying? Yeah. It was loud and frustrating and, yet, still very funny.

Finally, we found balloons at a grocery store, but they were the ones with the grocery store logo on it. And, to of the four of them popped on the way out to the car, so that left us with only two balloons for the meet and greet.


Add that to the fact that the park we planned to meet in was REALLY hard to find and it made our little shindig more like a destination wedding. You really had to hunt us down to come meet and greet, so if you had trouble finding our area, sorry about that!


Other than that slight mix up, the meet and greet was a huge success! I got to meet such sweet people! Like Arden and Anne (with an E or without?) and Linda and Jessica and Lauren. And it turns out my suspicions were true. My readers ARE normal people!!!! WHO KNEW!?!?!

This is Arden. She brought cupcakes. Ergo, Arden is awesome.


And this is Lauren. She and her sweet husband hung out with us while Bean had a total meltdown and demanded that Emperor Zorg not touch the ground, even though he threw Zorg on the ground in the midst of his temper tantrum.


(By the way, I stole this picture from the post Lauren wrote about the meet and greet…Sorry, Lauren…)

I really loved having the chance to meet people face to face, to hear real voices, and to have people talk back to me.  You don’t get that with a blog.  We’ll definitely do more meet ups in the future.  They aren’t nearly as scary as I thought they would be!  It really was like hanging out with people I’d known for years.


So, I can’t write about this without sending a big THANK YOU to my seester and publicist, Ginny.  And by publicist, I mean she gives me unsolicited advice on what I should be doing that I’m not and then she bosses me around until I do things her way.  She’s bossy and a know-it-all and she would drive me crazy if she weren’t right on about 98% of the unsolicited advice she gives.  So, here’s me.  Thanking my sister for pushing me out of my comfort zone, for like, the one millionth time in my life.


Thanks to everyone who came out to meet and greet in Atlanta!  I really loved meeting you all and can’t wait to meet more of you soon!


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