
  • Gracie.s Birthday Recap

    Sunday afternoon we had Gracie’s first birthday party. We had a really nice afternoon sitting outside in our backyard under the shade tree. The kids played, the adults ate and chatted, and the…

  • Happy Birthday, Gracie Girl!

    I can’t believe it’s here! On Sunday, my sweet Gracie Girl will turn one year old! What a joy she has been to us and what happiness she has brought to our lives.…

  • Womb to Breathe

    Some of the happiest times in my whole life were the two weeks at home after both my babies were born. For nine long months, we had anticipated the arrival of our first…

  • One of Those Days…

    I haven’t had one of those parenting days in a while. You know the ones. Those days when nothing goes right and everything is a struggle. I mean, don’t get me wrong. On…

  • Self-Inflicted Laziness

    In the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes our family gets behind. If we have a weekend with hardly any down time at home, laundry piles up that week, groceries don’t get…

  • God.s Snack

    On Sunday mornings, Bean and Gracie go to their own nurseries while Chris and I go to “big church.” Up until Gracie was five or six months old, we brought her to church…

  • B-E-A-N can R-E-A-D

    ***New here? Be sure to get your daily dose of Marriage Confessions on Facebook and Twitter!*** So, the title of this post is a little misleading. It should really say, “B-E-A-N can M-E-M-O-R-I-Z-E,”…

  • Brothers and Sisters

    Bean and Gracie are at a great stage right now. Bean’s two and a half and Gracie is almost ten months old. Up until this point, both of them have been interested in…

  • Step Inside My Head

    1. This week is a three-day work week for me. We had today off for MLK and Friday is a teacher planning day. Tuesday through Thursday are semester exams at my school, so…

  • Something.s Missing…

    Chris’s job isn’t like most other jobs. He is the general and production manager at a regional theater here in Orlando and a large part of his job is overseeing the technical aspects…