
  • Strong Women Make Joyful Noises

    When I first saw the trailer for the new Dolly Parton/Queen Latifah movie, “Joyful Noise,” I will admit my first thought was not of my mother. At first glance, my mom and I would…

  • Christmas #3: The Recap

    Last Friday, we packed up the car once again and drove seven hours to Pensacola, Florida, where Chris and I grew up. My parents moved away after my sister and I graduated from…

  • Christmas #2 Recap

    Hi, imaginary friends! I took a little break from blogging last week in preparation for Christmas and to spend some much needed down time with my family, especially my wee ones. I wish…

  • Christmas #1: The Recap

    This past weekend we went to Atlanta to have Christmas with my side of the family at my sister’s house. My sister and John Michael have the cutest little condo in downtown Atlanta.…

  • Christmas #1

    In the wee small hours of Saturday morning, we are loading up and heading out to Atlanta. My family is doing their Christmas together at my sister’s house this weekend. I am super…

  • Haul Out the Holly!

    We spent the last two weekends getting our house holiday-ready. I love when the house is decorated for Christmas. Coming home after a long day of work to Christmas lights and stockings and…

  • Now, Where Was I?

    Hello, Imaginary Friends! I feel like I walked away in the middle of our conversation about Thanksgiving! I’m sorry I disappeared. Cold season is upon our house and I’m not even talking about…

  • Thank Full

    I am thankful for the home that we live in and for the lives that we will build here. I am thankful for a job that makes me smile every day and for…